The Befana will not be for Italians on the day of the release of prohibitions and restrictions. On January 9 and 10, the whole country was able to return to the orange band, as in the working days of the Christmas period. At the end of a long day marked by political and technical meetings, the government decides to launch new measures to contain Covid-19 infections. And it works on the calendar of the new closings from January 7 to 15: at midnight on Epiphany the Christmas Decree will expire and a bridging provision will be required, an ordinance from the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza sounds the alarm: The third wave will arrive and we must organize ourselves. The ascending epidemiological curve and the RT that continues to grow in some regions also convince us that it is convenient to immediately change the parameters to define the yellow, orange and red bands. With the green light of the CTS, therefore, the threshold that allows regions to enter risk areas that require the blocking of movements and the closure of public places is lowered. With one more novelty: starting on January 15, a white zone will probably be introduced that will allow all activities to restart, including gyms, cinemas and theaters. It was Minister Dario Franceschini who proposed this change to give new hope to citizens, immediately finding the support of the head of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, also a member of the criminal wing but still agreeing on the need to look at the restart at least as far as possible .
The borders
Among the measures being evaluated is the extension of the travel ban between regions even if they are in the yellow band. For this measure, which limits constitutional freedoms, a decree law is needed and the government has decided to confront the presidents of the region. It is essential to maintain rigor, reiterate Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia.
Family and friends
The government could allow two people to visit family and friends. The rule would be the same as that applied during the Christmas holidays: only one visit per day, always within the limits of the curfew and with the possibility of bringing children under 14 years of age.
The curfew
Some scientists have proposed to the government to evaluate the advance of the curfew from 22 to 20. But even hard-line ministers think that this measure would not have a decisive influence on infection control. It seems clear that the prohibition to leave the house from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. will be confirmed, unless there are proven needs, that is, for work, emergency and health reasons.
L’Rt a 1 e 1.25
The fear of a third wave has convinced scientists and the government to tighten the indicators, as requested by the presidents of the regions to intervene in those areas where the number of infections continues to increase. And so, the regions that have an Rt equal to 1 (currently 1.25) will enter the orange zone and those that are at 1.25 (now 1.50) in red. The Cts coordinated by Agostino Miozzo met urgently and validated the criteria.
White zone
The idea that it can change the landscape of closings and reopens was launched by Dario Franceschini after listening to scientists. The Minister of Culture has proposed the creation of a fourth risk band, a white zone in which the regions with the best indicators would enter. And where places of culture could be reopened, such as museums, theaters, concert halls and cinemas. Bars and restaurants would operate without time limits, and even swimming pools and gyms would be back in full swing. Always keeping the basic rules of containment, such as mandatory mask, spacing and assembly prohibition. The head of the PD delegation spoke about the last step before the return to normalcy and explained it as follows: Since the yellow zone has huge limits, starting with the curfew, we make a white zone, to which It is accessed under a certain Rt of infection transmission. The proposal convinced Conte and the ministers and should be translated into law already in the next Dpcm, in which the legislative offices of Palazzo Chigi will have to work before January 15.
January 7 and 8
These are the only two days when all of Italy could be yellow. A decision still to be made, but that would also be made to allow the reopening of schools with the return in the presence, even if it is 50%, of high school students. The Democratic Party fears new outbreaks and slows down, but Giuseppe Conte supports the battle for the reopening of the institutes, which is being carried out by Minister Lucía Azzolina of the M5S. Scientists are also concerned, they think that going back to school could favor a greater increase in infections and therefore it could be the governors who sign more restrictive ordinances. And on January 8, the weekly monitoring will arrive, which will provide the data from which Minister Speranza will sign the ordinance to assign the risk range to each region.
January 9 and 10
On Saturday and Sunday, all of Italy could look orange. It means that you can move freely within your municipality, but the bars and restaurants will be closed. Stores will be open, while shopping centers will have to keep the blinds closed. Hair salons and beauty centers are open.
Until January 15
From 11 to 15 the division by bands returns and therefore each region will follow the rules established by the band in which it is located, based on the evaluations of the Higher Institute of Health.
January 4, 2021 (change January 4, 2021 | 07:35 am)