No crystal balls, but if we look at the technology roadmaps and the impact of some lucky products, we can have some ideas about what will happen.
by L. Tre.
No crystal balls, but if we look at the technology roadmaps and the impact of some lucky products, we can have some ideas about what will happen.
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Without a crystal ball, also because 2020 has taught us something about forecasting. But if we look at the technology roadmaps, the legacy of the lockdown, and the impact of some lucky consumer electronics, we can get an idea of what will happen. For example…
Living with cybersecurity
It has been going on for some time, but this will be a different year. The recent attack on the United States has made it even more apparent how strategic and vulnerable IT infrastructures have become. Experts believe that we are facing an unprecedented operation in the history of large-scale cyber attacks that will mark a before and after. In any case, there will be more and more health care in the sights where investments have increased exponentially also due to the health emergency that has brought the modernization of hospitals and healthcare centers to the top of the agenda. The good news could come from the war on fake news. Political communication via social media and online propaganda with all the cleverly constructed corollary of hoaxes we are used to could start to face the first real regulatory and regulatory hurdles. In other words, the big platforms may or may not use stronger technologies to block these online persuasion techniques.
A new regulation for Chinese applications and technologies
The new US president Joe Biden is not Donald Trump. Something, not so much, will change in Chinese technology policy. It contains Huawei’s network technologies for the Tik Tok application. The solutions will not be an amnesty or even a step backward, American experts say, but on a case-by-case basis, a solution will be found capable of composing national security interests and market dynamics.
Virtual and augmented reality for professional purposes
The lockdown and subsequent rise of smart work has somewhat unlocked the roadmap for bringing virtual reality technologies to video conferencing systems. Nothing new, the hardware has reached an acceptable degree of maturity. And Facebook through Oculus already has some cool solutions on the shelf. This does not mean that managers will virtually only find themselves with a visor on their heads. Sooner or later he will travel in presence again as they say today. What is happening is an improvement in remote communication services and a more determined desire to explore the use of VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) for office, contracts and design.
The first effects of the compression between the US and the EU on digital platforms
In Europe it will take some time, at least two years, before the effects of the Digital Services Law and the Digital Market Law are really touched. The discussion with the Silicon Valley lobbies has just begun. In the United States, by contrast, numerous legal actions against digital monopolies are already underway. The threat is that of the pout in the AT&T model, that is, in the case of Facebook, give up Instagram or WhatsApp. But there are also other regulatory proposals in the field. In this sense, 2021 could be the year of beginning of a process of redefining the limits of digital sovereignty by Big Tech.