“The government cannot continue opening and closing, opening and closing every week, without informing, planning, sharing with anyone. Italians are not packages to close and move,” says the leader of the League. Matteo salvini ad Affaritaliani.it as a premise of the twelve points proposed by the former Minister of the Interior to relaunch Italy. “Faced with the fights, delays and problems of the Conte government, a different government led by the center-right that focuses on health, development, work, sustainable growth and the family would be appreciated by 90% of Italians” adds the secretary of the Northern League.
HEALTH: strengthening of hospitals, local centers, staff and the health system throughout Italy (no less than 30 billion in investments), with special attention to the vaccination plan, which is still too vague.
TREASURY: 15% single rate for families and companies; fiscal peace for 50 million deeds and fiscal invoices. Immediate refunds to economic activities closed by government decree or otherwise damaged by Covid, according to the German model.
SITES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS: unblocking of all works (Genoa model), remodeling of existing works and new public works from north to south; construction of the bridge over the Strait and connections with all the country’s ports with the aim of turning Italy into the most important logistics hub in the Mediterranean (5 million jobs).
SCHOOL: school reform, stabilization of precarious teachers and strengthening of technical and scientific training, in harmony with the business and labor world, including at the university level.
ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: total autonomy in transforming waste into clean energy and wealth, no more landfills and toxic fires. Incentives to switch to hydrogen, without new taxes on plastic or anything else.
PENSIONS: pension reform, with the aim of confirming Quota 100 and reaching Quota 41, to free thousands of jobs for young people Adjustment of pensions, according to the Council’s ruling.
DISABILITY: Reintroduction of the Ministry of People with Disabilities and SuperBono of 110% for the elimination of architectural barriers.
MADE IN ITALY: protection of Made in Italy, businesses, agriculture, fishing, crafts, commerce and all Italian productions, with certain rules (and taxes) for multinationals that sell online.
SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION: strengthening of controls and investment in people and resources in matters of immigration, security, defense of national borders and fight against mafias.
JUSTICE AND PA: justice reform with processes from certain periods; reform and digitization of the Public Administration.
AUTONOMY AND LOCAL POWERS: delegation to the Regions that request it of the powers that the State cannot exercise at its best, and full involvement of Local Authorities for the best use of European funds.
EUROPE: revision of European treaties and bonds which, although temporarily suspended, will re-enter into force, harming families and companies in the name of cuts and austerity.

Great concern about the uncertainty in the school issue, total absence of confrontation on the part of the Minister Lucía Azzolina, no indication about future regional restrictions, delays in vaccines whose plan is in the hands of the government. The schedule of the Budget Law did not allow the hiring and the executive postponed the shipment of the serum in some regions such as Sardinia. These are some of the elements that emerged in the videoconference between Matteo Salvini, the governors of the Northern League Attilio Fontana, Massimiliano Fedriga, Christian Solinas, Nino Spirlì, Donatella Tesei, Luca Zaia, the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti and the leaders of the House and Senate group Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo. The leader of the League stressed that “the current government is a disaster for the country.” . Among the other topics addressed: the economic crisis and the labor emergency, the sending of tax bills that the League asks to block, the recovery plan.