

Published on: 01/03/2021 7:50 PM
Covid, new measures on the way. “It is very likely that tonight, at 9:30 p.m., there will be a first meeting between the government and the Regions,” the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, announced on a direct Facebook, explaining that it would be used to “start thinking about new rules on a fairly tight deadline “for later. Epiphany, gangs or “something else the government wants to propose to us.” “Obviously,” he explained, “we will listen to what they have to say, obviously we are all very attentive to the spread of Covid, with an Rt that ranges between 1 in many Regions, but also with the awareness that we have been closed since 22 December. many activities and damages were significant and more damages are expected in the future. The situation is complex for Covid and also for the economy, the balance must be sought with great care, a lot of consideration and a little courage ”. In any case, Toti concluded, “there will be no big news tonight, I suppose it is an interlocutory meeting.”
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