The Conte government is studying a provision that extends the restrictions of the red, orange and yellow zone to all of Italy between January 7 and 15, the date on which decree 172/2020 and 158/2020 respectively with Dpcm 3 will expire from December. This is one of the hypotheses discussed in the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority that supports the executive. It is not excluded that this provision contains measures that will be applied at the national level, that is, going beyond the zone system. The measure could be a ministerial decree or an ordinance of the Ministry of Health or another decree law such as the one that gave rise to the Christmas restrictions.
A new Dpcm, a decree law or an ordinance for the whole of Italy: the bans from 7 to 15 January
The summit, which was held by videoconference, was also attended by the ministers of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and of Health, Roberto Speranza. The Minister of Health should now see the Scientific Technical Committee and the members of the Benessere Italia Control Room Benessere Italia. The problem to be solved is precisely what legislative measure to launch in the next few hours for the new prohibitions that will remain in force until the expiration of Decree No. 158/2020. In the morning the possibility of launching a reinforced yellow zone throughout Italy with a red or orange zone was assumed during the weekend. That is, from Monday to Friday, keep the restrictions of the yellow zone and then close every Saturday and Sunday, keeping according to the options the possibility of moving within the municipalities and shops (except bars and restaurants) open in the last two days of the week. . In any case, Prime Minister Conte has ensured the resumption of teaching in the presence of secondary schools from January 7: postponing the date of return to school was a request of the Regions.
Restrictions throughout Italy (even in the yellow zone regions)
Therefore, the most likely hypothesis to date is to extend the restrictions to all of Italy. The alternative is to declare the red or orange zone in some regions: the candidates are those with the highest Rt contagion rate, namely Veneto, Liguria and Calabria, followed by Lombardy, Puglia and Basilicata. But the figures for these territories, although they are growing, do not reflect those of the monitoring indicators of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health, so it is not clear how the Minister of Health could act without lending his side to any appeal to regional administrative courts that could invalidate the ordinances. The hypothesis of changing the reference parameters to declare the yellow, orange and red areas, launched in recent days, would instead require time and in any case would encounter opposition from the Regions.