Covid-19, 950 positive. And at school he asked to postpone the opening.


LECCE – With 950 cases of positivity to Covid-19 of the 7,591 tests for the detection of the infection registered, the proportion drops drastically in a single day in percentage terms. Today, in fact, it is equal to 12.5% ​​compared to 17.4 of yesterday, when only 2,021 swabs were recorded for a relatively high number of tested positives, equal to 344. But it is, as is now well known, of fluctuations, with continuous drops and peaks, that do not provide a clear view of the contagion trend. More interesting, therefore, is the number of hospitalized patients, which fell today to 1,612, thirty less than yesterday. On the other hand, 52,466 positives are being treated at home, or that in any case are in quarantine for being asymptomatic, or 296 more than yesterday.

The epidemiological bulletin of Apulia of Sunday, January 3, highlights the usual high number in the province of Bari, with 427 cases; 39, on the other hand, in the province of Brindisi, 65 in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, 252 in the province of Foggia, 87 in the province of Lecce, 78 in the province of Taranto and two residents outside the region. That same day, 25 deaths were registered: eight in the province of Bari, three in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, four in the province of Brindisi, six in the province of Foggia, three in the province of Lecce and one in the province of Taranto. There are currently 54,078 positive cases throughout the region.

Meanwhile, in front of the schools and the imminent reopening, scheduled for January 7, the meeting by videoconference between President Michele Emiliano, education councilors Sebastiano Leo, Salud Pier Luigi Lopalco was expected today. and to Transport Anita Maurodinoia, with Anna Cammalleri, general director of the regional office of the school and unions. A meeting that lasted three hours during which the union representatives, in unanimous chorus, asked the president to postpone the beginning of the lessons in the presence of a week, if not fifteen days and to establish for all the students of the schools of each Order and distance learning qualifications. In light of the requests, Emiliano reserves the right to make a decision, also based on the signals that will arrive from the national government in the next few hours.

2021-01-03 school meeting 2

“We thank the unions and the regional office of the school – declared the president and the members of the council at the end of the meeting – for the constructive atmosphere with which they addressed the issues related to the resumption in January of the teaching activities of the first and second cycle. We trust that educational institutions together with the Puglia Region, in the context of their mutual competencies, will continue to demonstrate the excellent organizational capacity that they have already demonstrated in recent months. We work without interruptions, even on Sundays, to find the right solutions ”.

The position of Emiliano and, in general, of the regional government on the issue of risk linked to contagion schools is well known, hence the orientation of extending the possibility of opting for distance education also to the resumption of school activity . And now, with the request for a postponement of the lessons in the presence of at least a week, we are waiting to understand what will be the evolutions on a subject for which it is certainly not only Puglia that expresses perplexity towards a reopening of the lessons in presence . , albeit at 50 percent.

Criticism: “Still no plan”

Critic of the opposition banks Paolo Pagliaro, regional councilor and leader of the La Puglia Domani group. “The time available was useless for Emiliano and for the regional councilors Lopalco, Leo and Maurodinoia; Today is January 3 and there is still no precise plan for the return to school of students from Puglia. Confusion reigns. We would not want it to be decided, once again, not to decide, leaving the responsibility of the choice to the families ”.

“The most important impediment is the problem related to school transportation. In this sense – Pagliaro continues – he had already asked the councilor for transport Anita Maurodinoia for special attention and the possibility of having a new school public transport plan capable of guaranteeing a maximum safety service for students. We faced the problem in the first days of December but everything was in limbo of the decisions not taken, of the lack of planning, of the uncertainties, until January 3 with a handful of flies in hand and without any certainty ”.

Yes “but double school shifts are not taken into account – he concludes – because we have already asked our children for the most important sacrifices and it is paradoxical that we cannot adapt the transportation plan and the school system but we continue to degrade families.” and students who find themselves, once again, in a situation of unique hardship ”.

Also puzzled was the regional councilor of the Brothers of Italy, Renato Perrini: “On January 3, three days after returning to school, we are still in the ‘I’m thinking about it …’ leaving the parents in total confusion. But whatever the modalities planned for the return on the 7th, I ask again, as I had already done during the Christmas holidays, that a continuous projection be organized on carpet with swabs to all students and school personnel. Only complete and continuous mapping can allow us to constantly keep contagion under control and together ensure safety, health and school obligations. At this point, all the regions have been organized in this way, only Puglia is missing ”.
