ROME. A bridge measure between January 7 and 15, or between the expiration date of the Christmas decree and that of the last Dpcm. It is one of the hypotheses that, as far as we know, would have been on the table at the government summit that has just ended. It is not excluded that this provision contains measures that will be applied at the national level, beyond the band system.
The summit, which was held by videoconference, was also attended by the ministers of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and of Health, Roberto Speranza. The Minister of Health should now see the Scientific Technical Committee.
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Here are the hypotheses under discussion:
Italy orange on weekends
On the weekend of January 9 and 10, the measures planned for the orange zone are in force throughout Italy: among them, the closure of bars and restaurants also for lunch, but open only for take away sale. From January 7 to January 15, the expiration date of the last dpcm, movement between regions is allowed only for reasons of necessity.
Maximum two guests at home up to 15
Extension of the prohibition to house more than two relatives or friends, excluding those under 14 years of age. The measure, already provided for in the Christmas decree that expires on January 6, will run until the 15th of the month.
Check the contagion rate threshold
There is also the possibility of revising in a more restrictive way the Rt index, one of the alarm indicators that the bands trigger for the regions. In particular, the Rt threshold that activates the orange band would be reduced to 1 (instead of the current 1.25) while for the red band it would be sufficient to reach an Rt equal to 1.25 (instead of the current 1.50) . ).
“The school must restart”
At the top, Prime Minister Conte would have reiterated that face-to-face teaching must be restarted, at 50%, as of January 7.
The case of the vaccine
During the summit, concern was expressed about the delays in vaccinations, especially for Lombardy. Meanwhile, the controversies related to the vaccination plan do not subside: “The government’s vaccination plan simply does not exist,” says Mariastella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies. The executive has once again demonstrated its superficiality: in These Hours there is an absurd blame game on the skin of the citizens between Palazzo Chigi and the regions. It is clear that there is no central direction, that was Arcuri’s task, capable of planning and managing this delicate phase. It became known that in Italy there is still no list of vaccination centers, nor a region-by-region planning plan.
Tensions in the government
In this climate, while waiting to know what will continue to be prohibited after January 7, the government continues to grapple with tensions between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Italia Viva leader Matteo Renzi. The Minister of Economy, Gualtieri, is expected to present the new draft of the “Recovery Plan” tomorrow, pending a council of ministers that should be held after January 7. In the absence of answers from the prime minister, the leader of Italia Viva continues to repeat to his followers that he is willing to ask the ministers of Italia viva to resign. The belief of the Renzianos is that the majority does not have alternative numbers to replace Iv’s votes in Parliament. And that in case of crisis there may be room for institutional governance. If a similar scenario takes place, one of the names that circulates is that of Marta Cartabia, former president of the Constitutional Court. But the bridges are working to prevent the explosion of the red-yellow majority.
* Updated news