Check the Dpcm jumper. The novelty that emerged from the summit in videoconference between the prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of the majority delegation, concluded around 16, is that of a bridge measure, a decree that will be in force from January 7 to 15 with the revival of the gang system – the now famous red, orange and yellow areas – and new more restrictive measures at the national level.
The meeting, extended to exponents of the CTS, was also attended by the Ministers of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who must now go to the Scientific Technical Committee for a emergency meeting. The possibility of a bridging measure is being studied.
The bridge measure, according to the orientation of the majority, will be valid from January 7 to 15 (that is, between the expiration of the birth decree and the termination of the Dpcm currently in force) and will contain valid measures at the national level, regardless of the national color bands. The assumptions of the establishment of a national closure on weekends with shops, bars and restaurants closed active only for take away food and deliveries, and prohibited movements even within the municipality itself on holidays and the eve of holidays.
In addition to the measures to counter the Covid-19 pandemic, the attacks by Italia Viva in the vaccine plan. “Once again today we verify the insufficiency of the health system, sanctioned by the need to activate the orange or red Regions with Rt thresholds lower than those indicated above to avoid greater criticalities. And the insufficiency and the lack of clarity about the vaccination plan ”, are the words of the Minister of Agrarian Policies Teresa Bellanova during the leadership of the delegation, according to Iv. “If you want to get out of this stagnation by giving a clear message to the public, there is only one way: to follow the timely monitoring and clarify the vaccination plan – it would have been Iv’s request -. The only message that stays at home is evident that psychologically and economically, citizens are no longer enough. Faced with a sacrifice that we ask of people, we must give certainty. And from the data that I read, I still see few. “Other problems for the government and for the prime minister Giuseppe Conte now under constant attack by fire friend of the renzianos.