Even the “island” of the Quirinale Conte: is the vote closer now?


First a shocking poll that testifies to the feeling of dissatisfaction of Italians with him, then the imminent government crisis and a possible face to face with Matteo Renzi in the Chamber: 2020 Giuseppe Conte it didn’t start out well. Also because he has to bear all the fears and responsibilities of a possible failure of the vaccination campaign, of the Recovery Fund projects and of returning to school in the presence. The government cannot afford to fail, and yet it remains immobilized by ongoing liti that Italians have been forced to attend for a month. Will the Giallorossi experience end soon or is it just a strategy devised by Matteo Renzi to get more seats and consensus? We will see, always considering that the scenarios in case of crisis are really many.

As if that were not enough, at Palazzo Chigi they also have to deal with “dig“launched by the head of state in the end of the year speech”.Could we have done more and better? Probably yes, as always“Declared Sergio Mattarella addressing the public in reference to the management of the Coronavirus emergency by the executive. The prime minister has not digested it at all. Added to this is the lack of public praise for the work of his team. Quirinale- Chigi could soon cool down and be spiced up with more differences and distances.

Early elections

The lawyer is increasingly isolated. As Marco Antonellis writes in Italian business, dal Colle reveal that the President of the Republic, if there were a government crisis, would have only two members of royalty priority to safeguard: the Recovery Plan and the vaccination campaign, without worrying about keeping the Giallorossi afloat at all costs. If no other majority could be found, then it could return to the vote in a few months, obviously as soon as the epidemiological situation allows.

Of all the hypotheses on the table, the Quirinal would absolutely like to avoid a parliamentarization of the crisis, as there would be serious risks to the stability of the spread. Consequently, Mattarella would like to avoid cheeky shows in Parliament between Conte and Renzi. Instead, the prime minister would like the opposite: to challenge the leader of Italia Viva in the House to calm him down, using the parliamentary vote on the Recovery Fund to challenge him not to vote on the plan or even to withdraw ministers and the undersecretary. . Meanwhile, as the days go by, it becomes clear that the cordon to save Giuseppi is unraveling.
