
It may not be clear that in the face of a pandemic, which kills 500 Italians on average every day, the campaign of vaccination It should be an extraordinary operation. Questioning the “holidays” makes sense for the late delivery of a mobile phone, not for the rush to vaccinate Italians, to save lives, but also for the economy. Yesterday the Councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy, Giulio Gallera, in the face of criticism from the minority who indicated that only 3 percent of vaccinations received was administered, spoke of “misleading controversies” because they use “rankings referring to three days, one of which is a holiday.” Here, in the middle of the pandemic, the “party” must be like all the others, without slowing down.
Red, orange zone: the color system changes for the Regions. More strict parameters are coming
School, the government insists on reopening on January 7. The Regions: “We are concerned”
The plan is slow
This is one of the inconsistencies in the launch of the vaccination campaign: Italy travels very slowly, but not all regions are the same. And Rome is proving to be more efficient than Milan. the Lazio – official data provided by the Regions to the commissioner and the Ministry of Health at 22.20 – it has already used 35.7 percent of the doses delivered by PfizerLombardy only 3. In other words: Lazio is eight times faster than Lombardy and has already administered 16,366 doses (of 45,805 delivered), the Fontana region 2,446 (of 80,595 delivered).
At the national level we are at 67,461 (22.20 yesterday). Examining the numbers, territory by territory, it turns out that Lazio is the most diligent Region (for now); only the autonomous province of Trento (34.8 percent) comes close to it. Tuscany (24.4%), Umbria (19.8), Campania (19.7) and Puglia (17.8) also performed well. Worse than Lombardy, so far, only Molise, which used only 1.7 percent of the doses received, and Sardinia (2.3 at 10 pm). Abruzzo at 8.6, March 10.6. Why, after vaccination day on December 27, even though the second supply (almost 470 thousand doses for a total of 479,700) was delivered by Pfizer between December 30 and December 31, is it moving so slowly? Among other things, we are in the least complex phase, given that health workers, guests and employees of the RSA will be vaccinated, therefore people already known, cataloged, non-citizens who must be found and summoned. What will happen when we go to the second phase? From the Regions there is news of a shortage of precision syringes, lack of personnel because the new hires promised are late. And in Sardinia, the most consistent phase of vaccination was postponed until January 7 due to staff on vacation. In practice, between December 31 and January 2 (even without considering the day of the vaccine), 20 thousand vaccines are traveled nationwide per day. Considering that each person must receive a double dose, if this frequency is maintained in a month we will have immunized only 300 thousand people. In other words: the number of those who received the first dose in Italy in a week will be similar to that in Israel in 24 hours. Other numbers: the day the most injections were performed was December 31 (22,829), yesterday only 20,302. The age group with the most vaccinations is between 50 and 59 years old (19,105, mostly nurses and doctors).
the elephant in the room
The problem of slowness already has the appearance of the famous elephant in the room. And Undersecretary Sandra Zampa cannot help but see this: «We need powerful acceleration, the regions must start running: no usable dose can wait to be used even for a few hours. We also use the afternoon hours but we run. Modern will also arrive soon. Apart from holidays and vacations. “The rate at which the vaccine is administered in these first days is really worrying,” they say from Italia Viva.
There is another fear and some among the directors of the Ministry of Health are weighing it: in the United Kingdom, overwhelmed by a rebound in cases caused by the English variant that has shown a remarkable speed of transmission, they have decided to administer the first dose to as many people as possible , even postponing the second for 12 weeks. The United States is also evaluating this formula because, in the face of a runaway epidemic, lower protection for many people is better than full protection but for fewer people. In fact, in London they do not rule out that a different vaccine can be used for the second dose than the first injection (in the UK as of tomorrow, in addition to Pfizer-BioNTech, the AstraZeneca product will also be used). Well, if the situation were to rush, given a very slow start, Italy could be forced to resort to the lesser evil of the generalized single-dose. Moral: there are no primroses in the outbreak of vaccination in Italy, just a lot of thorns.
