The vaccination in Italy it progresses slowly. Just a little more than 1 dose in 10 Among those who arrived, it was administered, and the Zampa Health Undersecretariat asked the Regions and hospitals to also work in the afternoon.
In Italy vaccination is slow
In France (where skepticism is widespread) and Germany, their respective leaders are under attack for the slowness of the vaccination plan. Angela Merkel is accused of not having secured sufficient doses in the short term, while Emmanuel Macron of having vaccinated very few people. But in Italy the situation of The vaccination campaign is not so different.
Although the commissioner Domenico Arcuri yesterday jubilant for second place in Europe for the number of vaccinated (yesterday more than 60,000, this morning almost 80,000), the reality is that there are many doses in Italy still unused.
Almost nine out of ten vials are in the freezer.
The slowness of the vaccination could strengthen the current government that wants to toughen the measures for the reopening of January 7, 2021 and change the criteria for the classification of the Regions.
Little more than 1 in 10 doses was given
The Italian vaccination plan includes a supply of 469,950 doses per week. The first shipment arrived in the last week of December, to which must be added the 9,750 doses that arrived on V-Day. The total doses that reached Italy are 479,700. The people vaccinated from December 27 to the morning of January 3, 2021, on the other hand, are 79,146.16%.
The total doses of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine currently available in Italy are therefore 400,554. Vaccines that could and should be used immediately for P.protect doctors, nurses, the elderly and the other categories of greatest risk in the fight against the pandemic.
Vaccination, Zampa: he also works at night
The Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa, on Twitter wrote that “Regions must work”, because “no usable dose can wait to be used even for a few hours.” The government exponent appealed to also take advantage of the afternoon schedule.
But there are also great differences in height between the different Regions. The most efficient so far has been Lazio, with 16,752 doses administered, followed by Veneto (11,119) and Piedmont (9,179). In contrast, the worst are Molise and Sardinia, which have administered to their citizens, respectively, only 1.7% and 2.3% of the ampoules available.