Less than a week after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, you test positive for coronavirus. It is about Antonella Franco, director of the Infectious Diseases department of the Umberto I hospital in Siracusa, who is now hospitalized in his own ward. Six days ago she was vaccinated in Palermo, one of the first people in Sicily.
Contain pathogenic effects
I tested positive for Covid but would re-apply the vaccine and making the call that represents the only great chance we have to win this battle – says Dr. Franco -. If I hadn’t, the undisturbed virus could have caused me irreversible damage. Only the vaccine, which produces a protein. spike which helps form antibodies and blocks the progression of the virus, will help block replication and contain pathogenic effects. Before receiving the vaccine, she had performed more than one swab, but most likely the virus was still incubating, concludes Antonella Franco. A follow-up of the contacts was also started, starting with the people who were on board the bus for the trip and those the doctor met during the vaccination procedures.
People infected even in trials
We know that immunization occurs only a few weeks after inoculation of the second dose of the vaccine. Even in clinical trials, people became infected after the first dose precisely because the immune response is not yet fully protective: clearly reported in scientific articles. And it becomes like this only after the second dose. This is one of the reasons for not abandoning responsible behavior after vaccination confirms Franco Locatelli, President of the Superior Council of Health.
Protection after the second dose
remember that those who receive the vaccine may test positive and that this has no effect on the efficacy of the serum. Why not worry? First of all to clarify that protection against coronavirus after the first few days after inoculation is not immediate– Increases over time and is completed one week after inoculation of the second dose (which occurs 21 days after the first). So in the first days after the vaccine, as with other vaccines, you are not protected. The recommendation, for those who receive the vaccine, is to maintain prudential measures, starting with masks, even when vaccinated.
Twenty eight days to be sure
Regarding the news a few days ago of the Spanish nurse who tested positive for the coronavirus (later it was discovered that she had not received the vaccine), Silvio Garattini, president of the Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute, said: The Pfizer vaccine, the only one currently distributed in Europe, requires two doses to be effective: the first and then a withdrawal after 21 days. Even after the booster dose, you cannot consider yourself protected: It takes the body another 7 days to develop antibodies.. In short, from the day of the first dose, 28 must pass to be reasonably calm.
Does the vaccine protect us from infection?
But there is also another subject on which uncertainty reigns: Does the vaccine protect against the clinical manifestation of the disease or against infection? We do not know yet, we will soon know since the vaccinations have already started. For this reason – Garattini emphasizes – the recommendation is to maintain prudential measures, starting with masks, even once vaccinated. Because we know that the vaccine in 90-95% of cases protects against the development of symptoms of the disease, which is the most important, but it is not ruled out that it can still be infected, although with a very low viral load. It will take a sufficient number of vaccinated people and an adequate amount of time to find out.
January 3, 2021 (change January 3, 2021 | 14:00)