New year, new Dpcm. The latest decree of the Prime Minister will expire on January 6 with the anti-Covid restrictions adopted during the Christmas holidays. For a few days Italy will remain in the red, but as of Thursday, January 7, the government will have to decide what will happen in the country. Certainly, the system of colored bands will be maintained according to the different contagion rates in the different territories, but there is still nothing certain about the measures and that is why the premier Giuseppe Conte summoned the heads of delegation of the majority parties for this morning. Therefore, representatives of the Democratic Party, Italia viva, M5S and Leu will participate in the meeting and during the summit at Palazzo Chigi we will discuss how to continue in the fight against the pandemic and with what restrictions.
Covid, new tougher measures: six regions in orange. Red weekends for everyone
by Michele Bocci, Tommaso Ciriaco

Regions at risk
As has happened so far, to establish what color the individual Regions will be, the government will rely on data from the control room that monitors contagion data and the Rt. Three index: Calabria, Liguria me Veneto. But they also risk Emilia romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia me MarketInstead, the rest of Italy should be yellow, including Abruzzo, which was orange before the holidays.
Red Italy on weekends
However, the government would be working on an additional tightening that provides, on weekends, a completely red Italy and, therefore, with the most severe measures: closure of stores considered non-essential, stop moving even within its own Municipality and close restaurants and bars (with take-out and delivery allowed).
The school
There remains the confrontation between the government and the presidents of the regions over schools. The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, has established the reopening of the institutes as of January 7 and the return in the presence of the students. But the governors are opposed and through the president of Emilia Romagna and the State-Regions Conference, Stefano Bonaccini, they ask for a new meeting with Prime Minister Conte.
The school restart is scary. Bonaccini: the government will summon us
by Corrado Zunino