Tam-tam angry about the government crisis. According to the indiscretions – almost certainties – of the coward, Matteo renzi must formally open it following the Council of Ministers scheduled for January 7, in which discuss the recovery plan and the methods of managing European funds, precisely one of the two issues on which the leader of Italia Viva, opposed to the working group, is determined to overthrow this government (the other issue, the delegation to the secret services that incredibly Giuseppe Conte still holding). But it was said, the crazy tom-tom: second Republic The moment of the crisis could be much faster, it could start tomorrow, Monday, January 4. Renzi, in fact, could immediately withdraw his ministerial delegation – Teresa Bellanova ed Elena Bonetti – of the government: the Count-bis would have ended and a crisis would open in the dark, to use a term from the First Republic, a crisis in which, ultimately, all scenarios are open and no one knows where it would end.
The fact is that the leader of IV, according to rumors, would be determined to open the crisis even if Conte backtracked on both the recovery plan and the secret services (Conte is the only premier in history who has decided to stay with the delegation). Renzi, in fact, did not digest the press conference at the end of the year in which the prime minister has referred to the “challenge” of the number test in Parliament. A slap that would have definitely convinced him: it will be a crisis. Attempts at mediation Luigi di maio, who also suggested that the delegation could finally be sold to the services, as the prime minister’s attempts to dialogue with the internal opponent would have been in vain. Renzi is ready to come to the negotiating table with everyone, but only after Conte’s resignation. And again, for Leader IV any solution is possible, except a Count-ter, sure there will be no vote in the spring. Renzi is willing to back a government with Prime Minister Pd or a government, perhaps led by Mario Draghi.