President Zhang denied that Inter is for sale
In a statement posted on the site, President Steven Zhang categorically denied that “Inter is not for sale.”. Certainly the club, like everyone else, is going through a difficult time, so according to Corriere della Sera, on the table would be the idea of finding new investors “.Inter, however, has suffered especially in the last period, in a way closely linked to what is happening in China. In recent weeks, the Chinese Football Association has cracked down on football, imposed a drastic reduction in player salaries and banned companies from associating their names with that of teams.“.

The world of Inter also ended up in difficulties due to other factors, the newspaper underlines, first of all the sponsors. “Over the years, Suning has entered into various contracts to ensure the club’s liquidity, most of them, however, with Chinese partners, often close to the Suning galaxy itself or, in any case, attributable to related activities. If Beijing government companies struggle to pay, Inter suffers“.

THE FUTURE OF THE CLUB – “Without a doubt, right now it is problematic to think about selling the club for a figure close to one billion euros. That is why new partners are being sought who in the future may also consider taking over the company, but at present this is not the hypothesis on which we are working. Exporting capital from China, due to strict government control, has always been a problem, further amplified in the world of soccer, where there is often a need for immediate responses. Suning is still a colossus, but he must abide by strict rules and the line is clear: no more expenses, Inter must walk on his own legs“.
(Corriere della Sera)