Back to school, Puglia will continue to make parents choose whether to use DA



“The Region intends to continue giving the possibility to students of Apulian schools of all levels (from primary to secondary school), and their families, to choose distance education also from January 7 “: the Puglia Region announces this in a Note.

Puglia, therefore, towards the extension of the choice of dad: “Before issuing the ordinance – emphasizes Governor Michele Emiliano – we would like to meet the representatives of the school world, as we commit ourselves to do, to share with them our approach and collect their point of view.“.

Emiliano along with councilors Sebastiano Leo, Pier Luigi Lopalco and Anita Maurodinoia, in fact, has called a meeting with the unions for tomorrow morning, to discuss and share the draft of the new ordinance on the school, with a view to reopening January 7.

In times of pandemic – notify the Region – It is believed that families should be able to decide not to expose themselves to the risks of compulsory school attendance, risks that exist in the classroom as elsewhere in the community.“.

