In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,141,201 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 11,831, + 0.6% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +22,211), while I deaths today I am 364, + 0.5% (yesterday they were +462), for a total of 74,985 victims since February. People recovered or discharged I am 1,489,154 usually: 9,166 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 0.6% (yesterday they were +16,877). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 577,062, equal to +2,295 compared to yesterday, + 0.4% (yesterday they were +4.871). The current positives today they are growing because the new cases are more than the sum of cured and dead.
me vaccinated citizens I am more than 46 thousand, specifically 46,506 according to data updated as of January 2 at 5 pm, according to the Covid-19 vaccine report, constantly updated on the government website and available here.
me tampons They were 67,174, or 90,350 less than yesterday when there were 157,524. While the positivity rate 17.6% (the 17.612% approximation): means that of 100 swabs performed, more than 17 were positive; yesterday it was 14.1%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
Fewer infections in 24 hours than yesterday. The new cases are below 20 thousand after two days above this threshold (12/31 and 1/1), but the incident does not allow to reactivate contact tracing. The general scenario does not seem to improve: the box-buffer ratio (the positivity rate) grows for the third day in a row and goes from 14.1% yesterday to 17.6% today. To see a similar rate, we must go back to November 15 (it was 17.4%) or November 16 (17.9%), a few days after the registration of cases (more than 40 thousand on November 13). We have already noticed that when less tests are carried out, this percentage tends to rise: the phenomenon probably depends on the fact that when less analyzes are processed, the tendency is to search in a more focused way, testing people who are more likely to be positive, such as have symptoms. or those close to an outbreak.
The region most affected is always the Veneto (+3,165 infected), followed byEmilia romagna (+2,035). With more than a thousand cases there are: Lombardy (+1,402) e Lazio (+1,275). All other regions have a two or three digit increase, with the exception of Valle d’Aosta (+7).
Victims are declining, ma no region has zero deaths. The highest number of deaths in Lombardy (+78), Veneto (+46) ed Emilia romagna (+38) We remind you that some data, such as deaths, are sometimes incomplete during the holidays.
Hospitalizations increase. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I am +126 compared to yesterday (yesterday -329), for a total of 22,948 hospitalized. While the most seriously ill of intensive care (YOU) I am in total 2,569: +16 the beds occupied in intensive care (yesterday -2). Furthermore, they are +134 people join IT (+145 yesterday), and Campania did not provide this data.
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The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and cured). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 483,361: +1,402 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +3,056)
Veneto 261,845: +3,165 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +4,805)
Piedmont 199.319: +433 cases, + 0.2% (yesterday +1.058)
Campania 191,799: +392 cases, + 0.2% (yesterday +1,734)
Emilia romagna 176,170: +2,035 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +2,629)
Lazio 166,239: +1,275 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,913)
Tuscany 121,415: +498 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +589)
Sicily 95,500: +734 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1.122)
Puglia 92,703: +344 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +1,395)
Liguria 61,084: +203 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +412)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 51,101: +359 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +715)
Market 42,602: +285 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +693)
Abruzzo 35,746: +23 cases, + 0.1% (yesterday +410)
Sardinia 31,667: +189 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +365)
PA Bolzano 29,850: +86 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +270)
Umbria 29,238: +50 cases, + 0.2% (yesterday +228)
Calabria 24,440: +175 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +345)
PA Trento 22,149: +116 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +193)
Basilicata 11,021: +39 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +156)
Aosta Valley 7,297: +7 cases, + 0.1% (yesterday +17)
Molise 6,655: +21 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +106)
Deaths Region by Region
The figure provided below, and divided by Region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 25,281: +78 deaths (+80 yesterday)
Veneto 6,675: +46 deaths (yesterday +90)
Piedmont 7971: +11 deaths (yesterday +38)
Campania 2,893: +29 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Emilia romagna 7,846: +38 deaths (yesterday +70)
Lazio 3,816: +24 deaths (yesterday +23)
Tuscany 3,720: +20 deaths (yesterday +27)
Sicily 2,468: +28 deaths (yesterday +28)
Puglia 2,491: +10 deaths (yesterday +9)
Liguria 2,907: +9 deaths (+7 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,687: +18 deaths (yesterday +27)
Market 1,594: +13 deaths (yesterday +10)
Abruzzo 1,229: +11 deaths (+5 yesterday)
Sardinia 755: +4 deaths (+4 yesterday)
PA Bolzano 746: +4 deaths (+3 yesterday)
Umbria 628: +3 kills (yesterday +1)
Calabria 482: +3 deaths (yesterday +7)
PA Trento 958: +6 deaths (yesterday +10)
Basilicata 261: +5 kills (no new kills yesterday)
Aosta Valley 383: +2 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Molise 194: +2 deaths (yesterday +1)
Article updating …
January 2, 2021 (change January 2, 2021 | 17:50)