Coronavirus, 2,471 vaccinated in Sicily. These are the recipients: job, age, gender


Sicily second Italian region for vaccine doses delivered but in the middle of the ranking in the administration. This is what the report on anti-Covid 19 vaccines updated by AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency, says.

Across Italy, so far, 45,767 vaccinations have been carried out. The first Italian region by number of injected doses is Lazio (9,301), followed by Veneto and Piedmont. There Sicily ranks seventhHowever, compared to more vaccines that it already has in its warehouses: 46,510 compared to the average of 40,000 in the first three regions.

The approximately 46,000 vaccines make the Sicily, the second territory by number of doses available, in front is only Lombardy that has 80,595. However, in percentage terms, only 5.3 percent of the doses were used on the island: thirteen regions performed better. At the top is the autonomous province of Trento (34.8%), followed by Abruzzo and Molise (both stopped at 1.7%).

Anti-Covid vaccine, the calendar in Sicily: when can you get vaccinated and how to book

Going back to the absolute numbers, in Sicily, there are currently 2,471 vaccinated. The vast majority (2,383 well) are doctors, nurses, and health social workers. The remainder (63 people) in the statistics identify with a generic “non-medical personnel”; finally there are 25 guests of residential structures.

Vaccinated men in Sicily outnumber women: 1,380 vs 1,091. Hence the classification by age groups: 3 vaccinated between 16 and 19 years; 384 between 20 and 29 years old; 541 (30-39 years); 530 (40-49 years); 562 (50-59 years); 416 (60-69 years); 26 (70-79 years); 8 (80-89 years); a single vaccinated person is over 90 years old.

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