According to the latest ISS report, Calabria, along with Veneto and Liguria, has exceeded the Rt value of 1. It is expected for next week, but has not yet been announced when the control room meeting for the Regional Monitoring
ROME Upon expiration of the Christmas decree, valid until January 6, the regime of the autonomic gangs will return, which the government will determine after expert controls on the progress of the infection. In this sense, it is expected for next week, but it has not yet been announced when the meeting of the Regional Monitoring control room will be held, which verifies the epidemiological data based on the 21 parameters. The government will make its decisions shortly after.
CALABRIA IN DANGER With the increase in RT and, in the first bulletin of 2021, the positivity rate at 14.1%, it continues to grow. With these data, a part of the country, at the expiration of the Christmas decree, on January 6, could end up again in the red or orange zone: for now, mainly Veneto, Liguria and Calabria, which according to the latest report from the ISS have exceeded the value 1 of Rt and that could be placed on the list of territories subject to greater restrictions.
And while waiting for the next report to untie the knots even more, it is the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, who asks for prudence, explaining that “a really solid assessment of the trend during these holidays will only be available in the middle of January. “. And the president of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli, adds with a touch of optimism: “in the face of figures that still deserve an effort, we give the strong message that what has been put in place is bearing fruit”. In the next few hours, after a request from the Regions made through a document, the ISS was able to formalize some changes that could affect the 21 indicators to establish the allocation of the regions in the different bands. These include a different method of calculating antigenic and molecular buffers performed, which could then affect the positivity rate. The definition of ‘cases’ and test execution strategies could also be re-evaluated.
THE SCHOOLS As for the other hot topic of the schools, they must reopen everywhere with 50% of the maximum allowed admissions, at least until January 15, after the work done by the different prefectures in the school-transport coordination tables. All responsible ministers made an announcement in this regard for various reasons: Interior, Education and Transportation.