
“Not all viruses become pandemics.” As the virologist explains Ilaria Capua, there are specific factors that lead to the explosion of the infection. First is the “Virus factor”, a kind of “pandemic potential” linked to its transmission route and its contagion, writes the expert in Corriere della Sera. Then there is the “Individual factor”, which means that the evolution of the pandemic depends especially “on the behavior of individuals and the systems in which they operate”, as Capua explains. There is no doubt that the accelerated spread of Covid around the world was due to movement of people international, national and local. According to the virologist, until the 2020 pandemic these were the main factors behind the spread of a pandemic virus. Now, however, another element also takes over, represented by virtual entities such as information and social networks. “Never, in the last hundred years (during which there have been five flu pandemics), has the information been so pervasive, liquid and intrusive on complicated subjects, even for the insiders,” said the expert.

Treat the issue of Covid to the point of clickbait or careless viewers, according to Ilaria Capua, increases the risk of “disorienting who then has the keys to get out of this situation, that is, the people, who are nothing more than the ‘individual factor’ ”. However, in addition to information, there are also social networks. In this regard, the virologist specifies: “It is precisely through the message hoax that move in the connectosphere of social networks and through the amplification of ambiguous information issued by highly accredited media that determines what happens with the ‘virus factor’ ”. According to the expert, therefore, it is likely that virtual factors were also influencing the 2020 pandemic. In fact, for Capua, these factors “will influence the evolution of the pandemic much more than virus factor and individual factor combined”.