A political coup that weighs like a stone. 2021 opens badly for the premiere Conte, dealing with the threats from Matteo Renzi and the growing feeling of dissatisfaction from Italians. A clear reality emerges from the latest polls: hardly anyone would vote for the Giallorossi government and would want Giuseppi as prime minister. The picture of the situation was taken from a poll conducted by Political Analysis. The research company headed by Arnaldo Ferrari Nasi asked the interviewees a clear question: “These days we have been strong tensions in the majority supporting the Conte government. If the executive fell, among these possibilities, it would be better for Italy …“.
There are four answers available. A return to the polls as soon as possible to send the executive home was the most successful. According to 32%, in fact, it would be convenient to dissolve the Chambers and summon new ones as soon as possible elections Policies in order to “verify the will of citizens“Sociologist Ferrari Nasi – interviewed by Free – explained how this is the answer that got the most consensus “among the most productive segment of the population, which goes from 36 to 55 years“. Requesting a new session are mainly the voters di Lega (63%) and Fratelli d’Italia (60%).
Count disheartened by Italians
The second question posed to the interviewees also makes us reflect: “Reappoint Giuseppe Conte, only to form a specific government to accompany Italy in the elections, made up of Pd, 5 Stelle, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia and the other parties?“. A kind of government put to take our country to the polls. However, only 21% of the sample in question liked the “all inclusive”. It seems clear that even among the majority forces there is a strong desire to changeThe favorable ones would be the grillini (50%), the dem of the Democratic Party (34%) and the Renziani di Italia Viva (51%).
Actually, there is a third fact that worries Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte not a little: only 13% expect a Conte-ter. A very low percentage that, consequently, shows how 87% do not trust the current Prime Minister. These shocking numbers for the Giallorossi government must be understood as solid. rejection: Although there are the projects of the Recovery Fund to give birth and the vaccination campaign not to fail, the meetings at the Palazzo Chigi are preferred to avoid the crisis and talk about armchairs.
“The economic stagnation, the lack of disbursements still today from the layoffs of the last months, the lack of a vision, at the health level, that goes beyond the opening-closing mechanism and related refreshments to which we are accustomed until now.“added Ferrari Nasi. Therefore, the hypothesis to reappoint Conte to form a third executive and move on legislature Italians don’t like it at all. Also because, the pollster points out, there is another piece of information that speaks clearly: “We already know that for 2 out of 3 Italians the prime minister does not know how to govern and among those who have nothing trust in it there are also voters of the Democratic Party and Cinquestelle“.