There is the ordinance, there are protocols and there is the date: from January 7th the Italian school will finally reopen its doors to students. But there are also the doubts of governors, rectors and experts that instead, out of prudence, the classrooms would prefer to keep them closed now and avoid imposing the lockout a few days later.
Net at the choice of the Ministries of Health and Education to go out with only 50% of the students in the classroom and with one or two differentiated shifts (lessons from 8 to 14 and from 10 to 16, with a duration of up to 45 minutes as well Saturday morning), as always, the perplexities concern what revolves around schools. Doubts that led Walter Ricciardi, consultant to Minister Roberto Speranza and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University, to request a postponement (“children can only be brought to classes with low circulation of the virus, not the current one”), and many governors to prepare for the showdown.
Ignored indications
The most decisive position is that of Vincenzo De Luca. The governor of Campania has announced that he will ignore the instructions of the executive. “I feel that there is talk of the reopening of the school year on January 7 – he said – these things drive me crazy. How do you say “opens” without checking the situation? In Campania we are not open all the 7 ». An announcement later made by the regional school calendar: on January 7 the first and second primary schools will resume, on the 11th the primary school, on the 18th the three lower secondary classes and on the 25th the upper secondary.
They are also doubtful Veneto and Lazio but, although they believe that it could be a bet to reopen on the 7th (and they reserve the right to evaluate the data in a few days) for now they do not intend to create friction. The same occurs with Puglia, where Governor Michele Emiliano, already in the past supporter of the need to keep classrooms closed, would be considering confirming the ordinance with which months ago he allowed parents of primary and secondary students to choose between face-to-face lessons or distance learning. A ploy that highlights the widening gap between Regions that, however, do not appear to be fully prepared. It is no coincidence that, as Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Conference of the Regions reiterated yesterday, that taking up the lessons in the presence of 50% was an explicit request from the majority of the territories to the government that, before welcoming it, anticipated a 75%. initial. A complex game, therefore, in which parents are also playing these hours: in fact, tomorrow, families will have to deliver to their schools the responses to a survey on travel times and methods and on the experience of education remotely, in a way that they can be better organized.
The unknowns
The unknowns, therefore, a few days after the start, are still many. Leaders and unions are not satisfied with the rules for the resumption devised by the prefectural tables launched at the provincial level. Implementing them, for example, would require resources that don’t seem to exist today. Starting with the doormen who must guarantee hygiene and vigilance in long daily shifts. Why so much? Because the school will also have to deal with a distorted schedule that has not convinced many Regions with the result of having redesigned the geographical map of the Italian school based on who has married or not the news.
The first and most discussed of these is the double entry time set at 8 for 40% of high school students and 10 for the remaining 60%. Designed to lighten the flow of public transportation that is already struggling with high schools closed, it brings a significant shift in rhythms: getting in at 10 actually means leaving at 4 p.m. and heading home at 6 p.m. school leaders it is impossible to make food at school. Every day, the guys at the desk and it is impossible to even find the additional staff to keep the schools open for two more hours a day. So much so that up to 9 Regions have rejected these solutions and the government’s vision: they will have a single entry time in fact in Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Molise, Sardinia (with the exception of the province of Cagliari) and Veneto (with the exception of the province of Treviso). , Marche, Piedmont, Sicily and Umbria.
Last update: 00:14