4 minutes, 12 seconds

CYCLONIC VORTICE IN ACTION OVER ITALY – Another day of bad weather in Italy where at this time a cyclonic vortex centered on Corsica is in action and piloting a disturbance in our Peninsula. Thus, we find a variety of phenomena from electrical storms in the Tyrrhenian regions, to rain and snow even at low altitude in the north. There is no shortage of inconveniences due to bad weather.
SNOW AT LOW ALTITUDE IN THE NORTH, BUT IN GENERAL NO LONGER IN THE PLAINS – Widespread rains are affecting northern Italy with snowfall still at low altitude, usually 400 to 800 m depending on the area, sometimes still in the lower Piedmont plains, between Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria. It snows to the bottom of the valley in the Val d’Adige, Trento included. Additional local contributions greater than 20-30 cm are recorded in the Alps and Pre-Alps, generally from 1000-1200 m altitude, especially on the slopes exposed to south winds.. It snows at low altitudes also in the interior of Savona and Genovés, with flakes sometimes up to around 200-300 m; It rains with only 3 ° C in Genoa and Savona. Heavy and sometimes heavy snowfall affected the A7 in particular between Serravalle Scrivia and Genova Bolzaneto.

BAD WEATHER IN TUSCANY, EVIL BY SNOW IN GARFAGNANA AND LUNIGIANA WITH LOCKED CARS – Since New Year’s Eve, heavy snowfall also affected the north-central Apennines, but in particular between Garagnana and Lunigiana, where particularly heavy snowfall was recorded with flakes of up to 400-500 m; half a meter of snow is overcome in Abetone. Heavy snowfall caused the plant fall with the consequent severe alteration of circulation and isolation of some towns: firefighters from the Pistoia Command intervened during the night due to fallen trees on the Ss66 between Mammiamo and La Lima and on the Ss12 between Popiglio and Pianosinatico, here with traffic blocked for hours. Several interventions also in the towns of Pian di Novello and Abetone.

BAD WEATHER TOWARDS THE CENTER-SOUTH, STRONG TEMPORARY ON THE TIRRENO SIDE – Meanwhile, bad weather has also moved to the center and part of the south, especially affecting the Tyrrhenian side. Storms, even of strong intensity, were repeated in Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, With thunderstorms in both Rome and Naples, local hail storms were reported. Showers and thunderstorms also continue in Sardinia, while the first showers are also being organized between eastern Sicily and Calabria. Some of the showers and storms on the Tyrrhenian side also extend to the Adriatic side, in particular between the Marches, Abruzzo and the interior of Molise.. Snowfall in the central Apennines generally 1000-1300 m, even lower in the Apuan Alps.

NUBIFRAGI IN LOWER LAZIO, YELLOW CIVIL PROTECTION ALERT – Also noteworthy are the particularly intense storms and showers in lower Lazio, with peaks of more than 40-50 mm between the provinces of Latina and Frosinone. In Lazio, the civil protection issued a yellow alert.
STRONG WINDS, STRONG WATER IN VENICE UNCONGLED WITH THE MOSA – All this is accompanied by even strong winds between Scirocco and Libeccio, with gusts of more than 50-60 km / h on the Etruscan coast and in Sardinia, up to almost 100 km / h in the Sicilian Nebrodi; bora over the upper Adriatic and dark north wind over west-central Liguria. The Mose was activated to avoid high tides in Venice, with a tidal peak of around 100 cm.
SIGNIFICANT ACCUMULATIONS IN THE ALPS, AVALANCHE DANGER ALSO IN THE APENNINES – The enormous snowfalls of the last days, added to those already present since the beginning of December, determine a considerable thickness of the snow cover in the Alps at high altitude, but also in the northern Apennines. The avalanche hazard remains significant also due to the lack of clearance from the fallen snow. Specifically, the danger remains strong in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, the Maritime Alps, Trentino, the Venetian Dolomites, Carnia and Tarvisiano. Significant danger in the rest of the Alps, but also in the Pre-Alps, Liguria, Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, Sibillini, Lazio Apennines and the Gran Sasso area.

FORECASTS FOR THE NEXT HOURS – Bad weather in the north and in the Tyrrhenian regions with rains and showers even with thunderstorms, more intense in Tuscany, Lazio and Campania with possible hailstorms. Locally intense rains and thunderstorms and hail also in Sardinia, Sicily, eastern species, Calabria, in later extension towards Basilicata and Puglia, especially south-central. Some showers or thunderstorms can also penetrate the middle side of the Adriatic, where, however, there will also be sunny spaces.
Snow on the hills or in parts down to the plain. in the southwest of Piedmont, snow altitude of 500 / 1000m in the rest of the north, including the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, 1000 / 1500m in the central Apennines, up to 1300-1700m in the south. Snow up to 300-400 m in the interior of Savona and Genovés. Strong winds between the south-southwest and southeast, the dark Tramontana in Liguria and Mistral in Sardinia.
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The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.
Will incoming rains improve air quality in our cities? To understand what the concentrations of the main pollutants will be like, visit the pollutants section.
How long will bad weather last? All the details in the Italian weather section.