BOLOGNA – Bodybuilding champion Nicolas Ventura, from Bologna, 33, died after a car accident on New Year’s Eve. The bodybuilder passed away yesterday where he was hospitalized. The car in which he was on board with a woman swerved at one in the morning and ended up going off the road and collided violently with a traffic light in Calderara di Reno, in the Persicetana. Police, firefighters and 118 operators intervened in the place and removed the two occupants, injured and transported to the hospital from the plates.
Ventura, driving the car, was conscious and cooperative at the time of the rescue. He died in the following hours. In competition since 2015, Ventura since 2020 had started to compete in the category of Maximum Bodybuilding + 90 kg. In November he became runner-up in Northern Italy. Their social profiles, followed by thousands of people, have been flooded with messages of condolences in these hours.