
The specter of the crisis hangs over the government and Giuseppe Conte Try running for cover. As revealed by a background of the Corriere della Sera, the prime minister could try to build a new majority in Parliament, dispensing with Italia Viva and above all Matteo renzi. However, despite personally calling potential “responsible” – those who would help the government stay afloat – including some Renzians, for now Conte doesn’t seem to have the numbers. Even if Mastella specifies: “Those responsible are like the Vietcong: they come out only at the last moment.” Meanwhile, the center-right also seems to be in crisis. So much that when Giorgia Meloni proposed to the allies to present a motion of no confidence against the government, the reaction of Matteo salvini, who called the move “a favor for Conte.” A sign that opposition forces, such as Messenger Service – have a role in internal defiance of the majority and are aligned on opposite sides “.

A few days ago, therefore, there was also an important conversation between Matteo Renzi – responsible for the current unrest – and the head of delegation of the Democratic Party. Dario Franceschini. An open dialogue that, according to some observers, marked the true opening of government verification. Franceschini revealed to the leader of Italia Viva that he is not trusting and added that if the Democratic Party opens up to the idea of Count 3, would expose the flank: open crisis – as background to the Messenger Service – It would be enough for Iv to say no to the re-election of the outgoing prime minister to conquer the bank. It also appears that the former prime minister has set the deadline for January 7th: after that date the crisis will open. The remaining days are critical to understanding whether Giallorossi’s coalition will reach an agreement.