There are still the embers of that bonfire that yesterday, shortly before midnight that marked the passage to the new year, cost the life of Airudin Seferovic, the 13-year-old boy who lived in the Roma camp on Via Guerra with his children. big family.
Airudin, who was curiously named after his grandmother, was the penultimate of 16 children; after him only his 6-year-old brother. He was attending second grade at Jona High School although the prolonged suspension of lessons in attendance due to the lockdown did not allow teachers and peers to get to know him well.
The Asti Carabinieri continue to work on the reconstruction of what happened last night, who intervened and since tonight they are collecting the testimonies of those who witnessed the very serious accident that cost the boy his life.
In the midst of tears and despair, it was the parents themselves who told those who visited today how things were.
It all happened shortly before midnight when the adults of the family gathered in a hut to spend the New Year together. Airudin and the other boys from that part of the camp were outside, around the bonfire that had been burning since the afternoon. According to his parents reconstructed, at one point they began to throw the firecrackers into the fire, to amplify the noise of the barrels, ignoring the amplification of the risk.
It seems that one of the firecrackers thrown into the fire exploded during the launch and the force of the blast somehow caused it to “come back” hitting the child who was near the fire and hitting him square in the abdomen.
The explosion was devastating.
The adults, as told, would have immediately noticed that blow stronger than the others and, attracted by the screams of the other boys, they all went out together, realized the seriousness of the injured young man’s condition and put him in the car that transported it. directly to the emergency room where, however, he has already arrived in cardiac arrest.
Among those whose family has told this story today is the mayor of Asti, Maurizio Rasero who wanted to visit his parents as a gesture of humanity and personal closeness and that of the entire administration and the city.
The visit of Carla Osella, national president of Aizo, often present at the gypsy camp in Via Guerra to gather up the critical issues that have unfortunately dragged on for many years, is also appreciated by the grieving family.
Daniela peira