A record message. Last night’s speech should be, in all probability, the most watched end of the year speech from the audience, that is, since 1986. Sergio Mattarella it kept 15 million and 272 thousand Italians glued to the television, according to the data released by Rai Quirinale, with a participation of 64 percent.
In the fourteen minutes of unified networks, 9 million 675 thousand were found in front of the four Rai networks (Rai Uno, Rai Due, Rai Tre, Rai News 24), of which seven and a half million only in Rai Uno. To these viewers We must add the 3.5 million from Canale 5, the 499 thousand from Rete 4, just over a million from La 7, the 232 thousand from Sky. Last year, on December 31, 2019, 10 million gathered in front of the television: in short, this time an increase of 5 million more should be reported.
Mattarella: “I am going to get vaccinated as soon as possible. It is a duty especially for those who work with the sick.” On recovery: “We need concretion.” And he asks politics to avoid personalism: “These are decisive months”
from the old concept
The reasons for such a high audience are probably linked to the particularity of the historical moment, awaiting the speech on the year of Covid, the progressive crisis that affects the Conte government and, of course, the fact that the red zone it has forced the Italians to stay. In the home.
Looking at the historical data, this should have been, therefore, the most followed speech of the last 35 years, although it must be taken into account that until 2003 the auditel did not record thematic televisions without advertising. According to a ranking, which does not take into account general television sets, which however do not affect more than 300 thousand viewers, only once in 1993, with Oscar Luigi Scalfaro President, the threshold of 15 million (15,015,000) was exceeded. It was the year of Tangentopoli. The last speech of Francesco Cossiga, in 1991, a pick-ax intervention: 14 million 825 thousand.
Until now, Mattarella had always had an audience of about 10 million in the five year-end speeches he made during his tenure. Therefore, yesterday’s represents the absolute record of his seven years.