Covid, the bandage regimen returns on January 7 | 36 thousand Italians have already been vaccinated: Friuli is the most virtuous region


Currently it is expected that, after the decree, the Regions will return to the assigned color band before the Christmas close, that is. all yellow (except Abruzzo orange), but the trend of contagion does not make it clear that this is the case. The government will decide next week after the checks carried out by experts on the new report of the ISS.

Meanwhile the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in Italy is launched And, between Vax Day and the first two days of phase 1, the number of people who received the doses reached nearly 36,000 (35,850). Those most vaccinated are health workers, then non-health personnel and, finally, residents of residential establishments.

The plan drawn up by the government is in its infancy, but it has begun and proceeds smoothly with Regions that have decided to start vaccinations as of December 30, others instead on December 31. At this time, 479,700 doses have arrived in the country, 9,750 doses on Vax day on December 27 and 469,950 on December 30, reaching 10 Italian airports with yellow Dhl planes.

A total of 9,803 people were vaccinated with the first refueling, more than 100% thanks to the possibility, provided by AIFA, to deliver even the sixth dose from a single vial. On December 30, however, it officially entered Phase 1, that is, the one that provides for the vaccination of health workers and guests of the RSA, an audience of around 2 million people.

From Thursday the data of the vaccination campaign are available online and in real time on the website of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency. According to the report, on January 1, lThe most virtuous region is Friuli-Venezia Giulia. that has already administered 16.3% of the available doses (11,965), which is equivalent to 1,948 vaccinated. They are followed by the province of Bolzano (16.2%, 971 vaccinated with 5,995 doses) and Lazio (15.7%, 7,179 vaccinated with 45,805 doses).

Sardinia later who, of the 12,855 available doses, administered only 212 (1.6%). Finally, Lazio is the region where the most people have been vaccinated, that is, 7,179.

The age group most involved is that of 50 to 59 years. (10,341), followed by 40-49 (8,281) and 30-39 (6,342). Then there is the 60-69 range (5,451) and the 20-29 range (3,407). Those over 80 (828), those over 90 (572) and those over 70 (568) close. Among the first vaccinated there are also 60 people between 16 and 19 years old, most of them social and health workers.

Meanwhile in Tolfa, in Lazio, a 107-year-old woman underwent vaccination. Her name is Fiorina Fiorelli, she was born in 1913 and also survived the Spanish flu. “An example of faith in medicine,” Governor Nicola Zingaretti tweeted. In recent days, however, two more than a hundred years have been vaccinated in Liguria.
