Rome, January 1, 2021 – Until January 6, Coronavirus emergency calendar provides an alternation between the red zone (holidays and days before holidays) e orange zone (working days) as established by the Christmas decree. Regardless of the alternation until January 6 movements are prohibited outside your region (except the usual “proven needs”). Instead of January 7th Italy will be colorful again (yellow, orange and red zone) depending on the parameters of the individual regions. So let’s look at the calendar day by day before Epiphany and see what should happen starting on January 7.
January 1, 2 and 3: red zone
Today (New Years), tomorrow (Saturday, January 2) and Sunday, January 3, all of Italy is Red zone. TO go home (and only in the Municipality) we must always have there with usself certification (here the downloadable Pdf model) and we can only do it for “proven needs” mother It is allowed to visit family, friends and boyfriends, in limited quantities.. Bars and restaurants remain closed except for take out. Stores also closed with the usual exceptions (supermarkets, grocery stores and basic necessities, pharmacies, parapharmacies, newsagents, tobacconists, laundries, dry cleaners, hairdressers and barbers may open). And still benzinai, hardware stores, bookstores, stationery stores, sporting goods sales, dealerships, florists, and stores that sell pet products and food). Possible to go to mass, in second box if they are in the same region and Go for a walk. Curfew from 10pm to 5am.
Small municipalities: the government’s frequently asked questions
Red zone: the rules for the holidays
January 4: Orange Zone
Monday, January 4 you change and the restrictions loosen. All Italy will pass orange zone (rules here). The first significant change is that within our municipality we will be able to move freely without the obligation ofself-certification (here’s when and how to complete it). That instead is still mandatory if we move outside the municipal area always respecting the “proven needs” and with the exceptions specifically provided for the days leading up to Epiphany. Curfew from 10pm to 5am.
What to do in the orange zone: frequently asked questions
me stores can reopen While bars and restaurants closed except for takeout or home delivery.
When the sales start
January 5 and 6: red zone
Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 January (Feast of the Epiphany) the color changes again: all Italy returns Red zone during the last two days that the Christmas decree. And all the restrictions and exceptions we mentioned above apply. Curfew from 10pm to 5am.
Second homes and spending outside the municipality: the rules
January 7: return to the three colors
The Christmas Decree is no longer in force and the Dpcm December 3. Therefore, Italy will be divided again into the three colored zones. And in this respect How are the things going? All Italy should be able to be yellow zone (which would allow, among other things, movements between regions and the reopening of bars and restaurants until 6 pm). But the deciding factor will be supervision of the Ministry of Health with data onepidemiological trend region by region with a primary focus onRt index and then to the other 20 parameters. Based on the latest available tracking, The Rt index is above 1 in Veneto, Liguria and Calabria: Therefore, these are the three regions that could be at risk of orange zone.
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