Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia have been detected 964 new infections of 8,648 tampons (equal to 11.1%), of which 1,577 rapid antigenic tests (341 in Udine, 183 in Trieste, 157 in Pordenone, 24 in Gorizia)
There are 24 deaths recorded, to which are added three previous deaths corresponding to the period from November 29 to December 15, 2020. Admissions in intensive care units amount to 63 while those of other departments are 647.
The details
In the detail of today’s data on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the sector of residences for the elderly, 63 cases of positivity were detected among people housed in regional structures, while health workers found infected within the same structures are in total sixteen.
In front of the regional health system (SRH) to register at the Health Authority of the Friuli Centrale University Covid positivity of seven nurses, two doctors, nine Oss, one administrative; in the Sanitary Company of Giuliano University Isontina of a technician; at the West Friuli health authority of a technician, six nurses, two doctors and an Oss. To be noticed also the cases of a doctor and a biologist in Cro di Aviano.
The numbers
A total of 52,764 people have tested positive for the virus in the region since the start of the pandemic. The total of deaths amounted to 1,669, with the following territorial subdivision: 456 in Trieste, 758 in Udine, 353 in Pordenone and 102 in Gorizia. The total cured increases to 36,376, the clinically cured increases to 944, while the people in isolation are 11,043.
Today’s infections
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