The first in a long and sad list was Carlo zavaritt, 80 years old: expert pediatrician and child neuropsychiatrist, has treated many children in Bergamo. The last Luigi erli, retired neurologist who for years worked in the Seriate and Trescore Balneario hospitals. He was 67 years old.
30 doctors fell during the Covid emergency in Bergamo, according to the list published on the website of the Provincial Order of Doctors Surgeons and dentists. Everything during the first wave. Names to remember once again, especially as the most dramatic year in Bergamo’s recent history is drawing to a close.
In the list it was decided to include all white coats, in business and retired. “Because we are all the same and the same pain for his loss.” Also, some of the retired doctors stayed or were called back to work.
Bergamonews has long collected their faces and their stories.
Luigi erli
Retired neurologist, he worked for years at the Bolognini hospital in Seriate and Trescore Balneario. He was 67 years old.
Gianbattista Perego
General practitioner in Treviolo, specialized in dermatology. “He worked as long as he could – says Dr. Antonella Lodetti, colleague and cousin -. Even from home he had not stopped following the patients ”. Struck at 62 by the virus, he leaves his wife and three daughters in pain.
Maddalena passera
“Act like what you do makes a difference. He does.” It was February 13 and on her Facebook page Dr. Passera, an ENT anesthetist, wrote down this phrase from William James, an American psychologist and philosopher. He died at the age of 67 shortly after his brother Carlo, a general practitioner in Boltiere who in turn contracted the virus. “Magda was a strong woman, who never backed down in times of need,” explains Dr. Maria Ori Belometti, a friend and mayor of Villongo.
Pietro bellini
General practitioner in San Pellegrino and San Giovanni Bianco, he died at the age of 69. Leave a wife and two children.
Renzo mattei
Originally from Parma, 89 years old, he was a general practitioner in Pumenengo and Torre Pallavicina, as well as a health officer in Calcio. He had three children: Monica, Benedetta and Federico.
Mario rossi
Retired surgeon, 76, lived in Alzano Lombardo. He had worked first in the Bergamo hospital and then in Gazzaniga. After retiring he had practiced as a dentist in Valseriana. He died on March 11 at Pope John, where he was hospitalized for coronavirus.
Luigi ravasio
Retired doctor, 85 years old, lived in Villa di Serio.
Giancarlo Orlandini
Retired physician, born in 1937, he was a specialist in physiology and diseases of the digestive and blood tracts.
Italo Nosari
Diabetologist, born in 1950, he fought against Covid to the end. “An example of professionalism and attachment to work” recall colleagues. Admitted to Gavazzeni, he died among the sick he cared for.
Riccardo Paris
Originally from Tavernola, he was the first licensed doctor in his city. He was 87 years old, over thirty in the Alzano Lombardo hospital.
Marcello cifola
Born in 1946, graduated in Medicine and Surgery in Bologna, he linked most of his career to Bergamo. Specializing in otolaryngology and head and neck pathology, he was still self-employed before the virus took him away. He leaves his wife Cristina and the children Ingrid and Valerio in pain.
Marino Signori
Born in 1958, he was in charge of Occupational Medicine at Asst Bergamo Est. Originally from Nembro, the country most affected by the epidemic, he left his wife Roberta and his daughters Clara and Simona due to Covid-19.
Guido Riva
Born in 1941, a family doctor in Martinengo, he had retired since 2011. “A historical figure in our country – says Mayor Mario Seghezzi -. He has always stood out for his kindness and dedication to the profession he carried out ”. His wife Augusta and son Leonardo mourn him, who remembers his love for art and nature.
Michele Lauriola
General doctor in the city, he was also the health coordinator of the Bergamo Water Polo, where his son Carlo played from a very young age. In via San Bernardino he shared a studio with his wife Maria Antonella Mariani and a colleague. Covid-19 took him away at the age of 67.
Silvio Lussana
Died on March 13 at the age of 86, he was an internist and a primary school medical assistant at the former Ospedali Riuniti in Bergamo. His wife Emma and three children mourn him: Aldo, Federico and Filippo.
Aurelio Maria Comelli
Cardiologist, head of heart failure at the Quarenghi clinic in San Pellegrino, he also had an outpatient clinic at the Habilita di Clusone. “His was a humane, delicate and careful approach” assures those who knew him. Hospitalized on March 15 in Seriate for coronavirus, he died at the age of 69. Leave a wife and two children.
Giulio Calvi
Telgate anesthesiologist, he was admitted to the Bolognini hospital in Seriate where he had worked in the past. He missed the affection of his loved ones at 73 years old.
Benedetto Comotti
Hematologist, born in 1945, in the past he was chief of medicine at the Ponte San Pietro hospital and a consultant for Humanitas Gavazzeni. Together with his wife Pinuccia, he lived in Gorle, before the virus hit him: “Benedetto was a passionate, tireless and knowledge-hungry doctor,” he says, moved. But he is also tenacious in the care of his patients, willing to listen and give answers to medical and existential questions, many times related. His recurring dream in recent years was the ward and the patients. That gives the measure of his love for the profession. “
Flavio roncoli
Retired medical historian, his office was on Viale Venezia in Bergamo. He passed away at the age of 89.
Francesco De Francesco
Born in 1938, retired, former hospital doctor, he was originally from Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. A great lover of art, the Sicilian municipality remembered him like this: “A creator of great talent and a man of culture, in his life he knew how to combine science with art, expressing himself in sculpture and painting, without neglecting his forays into other forms of expression less common for him, but always with the refinement and grace that at each moment represented the key to his life, not just the artistic one. ”The virus was fatal to him.
Carlo Alberto Passera
General practitioner in Boltiere like his father, he died on March 25 at the age of 62. Positive for the virus, he was the brother of Maddalena, Pope John’s former anesthetist. “The patients saw him as a kind of companion – in the words of Mayor Osvaldo Palazzini, who knew him well. Like few others, he knew how to put himself in people’s shoes, understand their problems. A very painful loss for our community ”.
Marino Chiodi
Former director of the Ophthalmology Unit of the Castelli Clinic in Bergamo, he was 71 years old. His friend Giacomo Buzzetti fondly remembers him as follows: “A rare person for goodness and intelligence. I was privileged by your wonderful friendship and the example of your very generous actions. Huge figure of Bergamo ophthalmology for his professionalism and his incomparable humanity and modesty. Thank you Marino, on behalf of those who have always helped and without making noise ”.
Vincenza Amato
Medical director of Ats, she left the Romano hospital on March 24, in the middle of the emergency and after contracting Covid-19. He was 66 years old and in his last year of work: “He faced it with commitment, almost regardless of some of his personal weaknesses of recent times – explain his colleagues -. Vincenza has marked with great discretion a piece of prevention in our territory, giving an example of availability, professionalism and attachment to work ”.
Rosario Lupo
Sixty-five years old, he was in charge of the INPS Forensic Medical Center in Bergamo. He lived in Valbrembo and had two children, Claire and Federico. “I had known him for thirty years and had never seen him catch a cold – his friend Giovanni Manzoni comments painfully. The virus took a competent person, attentive and close to the needs of the most fragile people ”.
Vincenzo leone
The Comun Nuovo y Urgnano family doctor, vice president of the Snami union, died on March 22 at the age of 65 due to the virus. “Lending a hand to those who needed it most was his priority – says his son Carlo proudly -. Dad had a subtle irony capable of cheering everyone up even in the darkest moments, as well as a great spirit of sacrifice ”.
Piero lucarelli
Anesthetist, born in 1946, lived in Villongo. He died on March 19.
Bruna galavotti
Psychiatrist and Dean of the Bergamo Women’s Medical Association. “A splendid eighty years that still enjoyed excellent health – the memory of President Fabiola Bologna -. At his age he had enrolled in college to study biology. An exceptional woman who has dedicated her life to her profession ”.
Antonino Buttafuoco
Family doctor, a reference for the inhabitants of Ciserano and Verdellino, died on March 18 at the age of 66. He was hospitalized in the Treviglio hospital for complications due to Covid-19.
Mario Giovita
He died on March 16, was 65 years old and was a family doctor in Caprino and Cisano Bergamasco. The symptoms were typical of the coronavirus. An infectious disease specialist, he lived with his wife and three children in Caprino.
Carlo Zavaritt
An expert pediatrician and child neuropsychiatrist, in his long career he has treated many children in Bergamo. He died on March 14 at the age of eighty from the coronavirus, from interstitial pneumonia. A member of the Republican Party since the early 1980s, he was ecology councilor for the Bergamo City Council and municipal councilor for Pri, Bergamo Democratica and the Bruni List. His wife Fanny and their children Paolo, Alessandro and Andrea are in mourning.