In Veneto, on New Year’s Eve, the “red” zone foreseen by the regional health plan begins. Not to be confused with that of the Dpcm that assigns the colors according to the evaluations of the Ministry of Health and that in any case foresees for all Italy in confinement – in fact marked in red – at least until the Befana, except on Monday, January 4 with the “rest” in orange zone. In other words, open only the essential activities in the “red” zone and also shops in the “orange zone”, while the blinds are lowered to the bars and restaurants that can only carry out activities at home and to take away. On the other hand, as of January 6, the risk bands model must be restored and the basic measurements of the yellow zones must be confirmed. It remains to be seen which risk zone Veneto will fall into, which according to the data risks at least ending up in the orange zone.
8:00 AM Bulletin January 1, 2021
Meanwhile, the Region, with 401 hospitalized patients, is in the most critical stretch foreseen by the regional health plan. A phase called, as they used to say, “red”, which takes place over the 400 intensive care places occupied by Covid patients. In this case, beds will be used, even in cohort, in the hubs. The emergency activity will continue in the central hospitals, while the ordinary activity will also be suspended in the centers. With 2,985 patients in a non-critical area, Veneto had already exceeded the maximum alert ceiling provided by the aforementioned plan in non-intensive wards for days. The new year opens, therefore, with 3,386 Covid patients hospitalized in hospitals in the region (-15 in non-critical areas and +4 in intensive care) and with another 2,746 infected, which brings the number of positives currently to 92582 Another 15, however, deaths from coronavirus in the last hours.
These are the data from the report on the epidemiological situation of the pandemic in Veneto that opens in 2021. The bulletin marks 13,189 cases in the Vicenza area that are currently positive (+405) and 5 more deaths than the bulletin at 5:00 p.m. December 31, 2020. In the hospitals in the province, 403 patients are currently hospitalized in a non-critical area, 16 of which are in the Villa Berica and Eretenia nursing homes. There are 41 people in intensive care.
Report at 8 a.m. on January 1, 2021