Turn to the Big Brother Vip, the Canale 5 reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini. While Tommaso zorziUnaware of everything, celebrate the New Year with the other “inmate” roommates for the special Happy New Year, a former competitor of Friends of Maria De Filippi drop the bomb on social media. Singer Luca vismara, already seen also inFamous island, admits an intimate friendship with the Milanese influencer: “He and I have seen each other several times … Something happened and no, we did not play raffle and not even a briscola“.
After the allusions, driven by fans, Vismara comes to light: “I would like everything to be born in a simple way. I hope so. If something is born it will outside Big Brother Vip. If nothing is born, amen. As many loves were not born, this will not continue either. “Even if the rumors Mediaset They report that Vismara may be one of the last competitors to enter the Cinecittà house, 40 days before the final, to shake the waters and “upset” Zorzi, one of the engines of this edition of the reality show.