Work and pensions, from the CIG for VAT numbers to the single allowance for children: 10 new features that come with the Maneuver


5. Forward contracts
Until March 31, the exception to the reasons of Dignity dl on renewals and extensions of time contracts is maintained.

6. Autonomous and VAT numbers
A social safety net is implemented, from 250 to 800 euros, on an experimental basis for the triennium 2021-2023 for the approximately 300 thousand self-employed workers of the separate direction of the INPS. The government’s idea is to make the measure structural and extend it to all the self-employed and professionals, both ordinary and not. For all VAT numbers, a billion fund is established for partial contribution exemption in 2021

7. Active policies
First financing of the National Plan for Active Policies and the “Guarantee of Employability of Workers” (Gol). The relocation allowance is available to Naspi beneficiaries unemployed for at least 4 months and to workers in cig

8. Exodus safeguard and expansion contract
For those who are 5 years old or in early retirement, the slide can also be used by companies with more than 250 employees. For companies with more than a thousand employees, there is an obligation to hire every three trips, but in return you can benefit from an extra 12 months of Naspi “discount” (in addition to the 24 “canonical” months). free to the ninth safeguard of the exodus. “Light” extensions also for the female option and the Ape sociale. Imu and Tari discount for retirees abroad.

9. Paternity leave and sole allowance
The single universal allowance arrives, combining in a single instrument, from which the self-employed can also benefit, all the contributions that are recognized to parents with children. Yes also to the expansion of the birth allowance. Paternity leave increases from 7 to 10 days in 2021
