According to the programs schools middle and high schools will reopen in presence as of January 7. At least until the 15th, however, the distance learning 50%, as required by the latest ordinance of Health Minister. To formalize the restart there is a note from the Ministry of the Interior announcing how prefectures have adopted the operational documents “after the result of the work of school transportation coordination tables established in all the provinces with a view to resuming, as of January 7, face-to-face teaching activities. “” Regarding maternal and elementary, which were already open in December, nothing changes and everything will continue as before, “recalled the Undersecretary of Health. Sandra Zampa ad Affaritaliani.it.
Zampa explained that “on January 7 we started again with normal coloring, yellow, orange and red, based on the measurements that are illustrated each week and that everyone knows, starting with the Regions ”. And “as things are going better I think that from Thursday 7 the whole country will be in the yellow zone“. New red zones in 2021” cannot be excluded, it will depend on the trend of the data. “
The operational documents adopted by the prefects confirm the choice of differentiate entry and exit times of educational establishments in the regions Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania (with the exception of the province of Benevento that reported entry in a single shift), Friuli Venezia Giulia (except for the province of Gorizia), Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Apulia, Tuscany (With the exception of the province of Lucca, which already only provided for flexibility at the entrance). Regarding the improvement of local public transport system, In these regions, the additional services provided by the prefectural documents, parameterized to 75% of the affected student population, will be operational in any case as of January 7.
They confirmed the school organization in a single entry shift. Basilicata, Emilia romagna, Molise, Sardinia (with the exception of the province of Cagliari which, only for secondary schools, maintains the double entry shift) and Veneto (With the exception of the province of Treviso, which confirmed the choice of entry shifts for double entry and exit shifts). In the regions Marches, Piedmont, Sicily me Umbria where he differentiation of the time of entry and exit, the school component has chosen temporarily restore input in a single turn, taking into account that the percentage previously foreseen for the first of the two entrance shifts already corresponded to 50% of the affected student population. Also for these Regions, additional services will be deployed in accordance with the indications contained in the prefectural operating documents, except for slight reductions that may be agreed with the representatives of the regional transport sector.
“All the prefects have carried out valuable coordination work to ensure the resumption of face-to-face teaching as of January 7. It was a complex operation that made it possible to identify differentiated solutions at the territorial level over time, combining the needs of the school world with the extraordinary resources allocated to the transport sector ”, commented the Minister of the Interior. Luciana Lamorgese. Once again the network of prefectures has managed to define shared organizational models, the result of a constructive confrontation between all the protagonists of the tables, a point of connection between the different levels of national and territorial government, with the common objective of classrooms for students safely at the beginning of the new year. “
The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, expressed “great satisfaction with the result obtained.” “In a few days,” he explained, “the tables led by the prefects made it possible to develop specific measures, territory by territory, and immediately operational. A team effort to be proud of. In the exclusive interest of the male and female students “.
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