New Years in the Red Zone: curfew and self-certification


New Years in the Red Zone: curfew and self-certification

Italy returned to the red zone since yesterday, December 31, to avoid gatherings during the new year, with an extended curfew from 22 to 7 for the entire day today (except for work, necessity or health reasons). The restrictions at the highest level will be in effect until next January 3. Until then, self-certification will always be necessary for trips and visits (HERE THE PDF FORM).

Until Sunday, it will therefore be possible to travel once a day to visit family or friends, even other Municipalities, but always and only within the same Region and within the maximum limit of two people. Self-certification should always be with you for trips and visits to family members. The veracity of the self-declarations will be subject to subsequent controls and the proven falsehood of what is declared as a crime. The justification of the reason for the work can also be proved by showing the appropriate documentation, provided by the employer (credential or similar) suitable to demonstrate the declared condition.

Different information must be provided in the case of a check, but – in the case of visiting family or friends – the name and surname of those who are going to visit will not be requested. As always, it will be necessary to complete the form in its entirety (with name and surname, personal data, identification document and data, telephone number), also declaring under your own responsibility to know the measures, limitations and penalties provided. Coronavirus emergency law.

It is essential to fill in the field dedicated to the reason for the move with the addresses of the place of departure and destination. Finally, note that the form must always be signed by the declarant.

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