New Year’s Eve and complete delivery room. The firstborn is a boy of Indian nationality.


1,866 babies were born in 2020

January 1, 2021

He is in excellent health, a boy, and an Indian national. It is about Aganchap, the first child born in 2021 in the obstetric ward of the Piacenza hospital. He was born at 9:20 the first of the year and for Mom and Dad he is the second child. So, the new year closes with the blue ribbon that had also closed 2020: on the afternoon of December 31, in fact, a boy was born, also in excellent shape and weighing a considerable 3.6 kilograms. , son of a pair of parents from Lodi.

“And that’s not all, because our delivery room is operating at full capacity – he explained Renza bonini who directs the Complex Operational Structure of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ausl -: in the course of the morning of the first of year three more parts are expected. An excellent start that bodes well and means that life is much stronger than the pandemic. “

They were born in 1866 in the course of the year that is now behind us, with an average of about 160 births per month: “Only a slight decrease compared to the previous year, but in line with the national decline in birth rates,” he explained again the doctor. Bonini -. It has been a difficult year in terms of the fight against contagion and we have faced months of stress and great application to respect the protocols to the letter. However, we are satisfied because we have maintained important figures, managing to guarantee high safety standards to maximize the health of mothers and especially of the little ones that have come to light in our department. And we will continue to do so, of course ”.

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Chronicle Piacenza

