Epiphany Wednesday January 6;
Easter Sunday April 4;
Easter monday Monday April 5;
Release Sunday April 25;
workers Day Saturday May 1;
Republic day Wednesday June 2;
Mid-August Sunday, August 15;
All Saints Monday, November 1;
Immaculate Wednesday December 8;
Christmas Saturday December 25;
Saint Stephen Sunday, December 26;
San Silvestro Friday December 31st.
As we can see from the holiday calendar, there won’t be many extra days of relaxation. Favorable opportunities for bridges are first of May, worker’s day that falls on Saturday (for those who do not have work commitments on Saturdays in general). There All Saints, November 1 will be Monday.
In reality, the year 2021, if we had not had to submit to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, would have started under the banner of the bridge, as the 1st January is Friday and 2 e 3 January Saturday and Sunday.
Otherwise, there will be no great chances of transition.