
Covid Italia, the newsletter of December 31, 2020. There are 23,477 new coronavirus cases found today in Italy after analyzing 186,004 swabs, with a positivity rate of 12.6%. Since yesterday another 555 deaths have been registered, bringing the total number of victims to 74,159 since the beginning of the emergency. Intensive care patients are on the rise again, with an increase of 27 people from the previous day and a total of 2,555 units (this had not happened in about a month). Those cured are 1,463,111 (+17,421), while those currently positive also increase to 569,896 (+5,501 since yesterday). These are the data processed by the Ministry of Health, available on the Civil Protection website. As for the most infected regions, there are 4,800 new cases in Veneto, 3,859 in Lombardy and 2,116 in Emilia Romagna.
Data from the Regions
Veneto continues to register very high data on infections and victims: in fact, 4,800 new infections by Coronavirus registered in 24 hours in the region governed by Luca Zaia, for a total since the beginning of the pandemic that has made its way to 250,000, with 253,875 cases. . The regional bulletin informs it. 129 deaths have also been reported since yesterday, a figure that brings the total of Covid-19 victims to 6,539.
ALSO READ Covid Veneto, 4,800 infections and 129 deaths in 24 hours. ICU admissions are on the rise
There are 3,859 new positive cases of coronavirus in Lombardy, of which 197 ‘weakly positive. Compared to 32,858 swabs performed, new positives represent 11.7% of the total. The dead, according to data provided by the Lombardy Region, are 85, for a total of 25,123 since the start of the pandemic. 3,437 (-180) and 489 (+8) hospitalized in intensive care.
Compared to 32,858 swabs performed, 3,859 were new positives (11.7%). Those recovered / discharged are 2,147
👉 https://t.co/WmTEOR2MFc# COVID-19 #data #numbers pic.twitter.com/RxO44Lzj4F
– Lombardy Region (@RegLombardia) December 31, 2020
Emilia romagna
Coronavirus infections are growing in Emilia-Romagna, which in the last 24 hours have once again exceeded two thousand. Hospitalizations in the Covid wards are declining, while there are another 55 victims, mostly elderly, but also a 57-year-old person in the Bologna area, for a total of 7,738 deaths since the start of the pandemic. This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the region. In more than 15,700 swabs, 2,116 new positives were detected, of which 930 asymptomatic due to regional detection and contact tracing activities. The mean age of new positives is 48 years.
ALSO READ the Emilia-Romagna Bulletin, the new cases once again exceed 2 thousand. Among the 55 dead, also a 57-year-old man
Among the provinces with the most infections are Modena (with 362 new cases), Bologna (339 + 71 from Imola), Reggio Emilia (288). There are a total of 233 patients admitted to intensive care (three more than yesterday), 2,629 those from the rest of the Covid departments (12 less). As for the total number of people cured, they are 772 more than yesterday and reached 106,428. Active cases, that is, actual patients, to date are 57,346 (+1,289 compared to yesterday). 95% are isolated at home, without symptoms or without the need for hospital treatment.
«Today, of more than 16 thousand swabs in Lazio (+2,623) there are 1,767 positive cases (+434), 73 deaths (+7) and +984 cured. Cases, tampons and deaths are increasing, hospitalized patients are decreasing and intensive care remains stable. Hence the regional councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato. “The relationship between positives and smears returns to 10% – he adds – Cases in the city of Rome rise to 700. These figures cannot give us peace of mind. We need the utmost rigor and responsibility on the part of everyone, also in view of tonight’s celebrations. We do not give advantages to the virus.
#Coronavirus: the newsletter of the Lazio Region # 31dicembre. #HealthLazio pic.twitter.com/T5ZaXHiN0i
– Health Lazio (@HealthLazio) December 31, 2020
The contagion curve increases slightly in Campania: today the ratio of positive swabs is 8.17% compared to 7.75 yesterday. However, the number of hospitalizations in intensive care increases suddenly: today the number of occupied beds is 113 compared to 102 yesterday, of the 656 available. 32 new victims were surveyed. In today’s Crisis Unit newsletter 1,554 positives (of which only 84 symptomatic) are reported in 19,003 swabs. Ten deaths in the last 48 hours, plus another 22 in the last days but registered only yesterday. The number of occupied hospital beds is 1,325, 32 less than yesterday.
The president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, based on information from the director of the Health Promotion Department, Vito Montanaro, reports that today, Thursday, December 31, in Apulia, 10,836 tests have been registered and registered for the Covid coronavirus infection -19. 1,661 positive cases: 698 in the province of Bari, 108 in the province of Brindisi, 226 in the province of BAT, 298 in the province of Foggia, 102 in the province of Lecce, 225 in the province of Taranto, 2 residents outside of the region, 2 cases in the province of unknown residence.
ALSO READ Puglia Bulletin, 1,661 new cases (191 more than yesterday) of 10,836 tests and 21 deaths
21 deaths were recorded: 11 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of BAT, 4 in the province of Foggia, 2 in the province of Lecce, 3 in the province of Taranto. Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,044,314 tests have been carried out. There are 35,490 cured patients and 53,002 currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 90,964, divided as follows: 35,127 in the province of Bari; 10,500 in the province of Bat; 6,501 in the province of Brindisi; 20,016 in the province of Foggia; 7,090 in the province of Lecce; 11,115 in the province of Taranto; 518 attributed to residents outside the region; 97 province of unknown residence. Asl’s Prevention Departments have activated all procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.
Last Updated: January 1, 09:47