National civil service 2021: convocation of 46 thousand seats


Call to National Civil Service in Italy. exist 2,814 projects civil service between Italy and abroad and 46891 places available by boys and girls from 18 to 28 years old. The call is open until February 8. Click here to apply if you already have the Spid (here we explain how to request it). Projects are available at this address. (In the Telegram group special content on job offers and bonuses) (In group whatsapp always updated job offers, incentives and contests)


National Civil Service 2021 – Call

CLICK HERE to read the ad linked to the National Civil Service

National Civil Service 2021 – Projects

I am 39,538 the places available in 2,319 projects to be carried out in Italy and 605 111 projects abroad. Then they add 6,748 seats by 384 projects in regions that have joined Measure 6 “Universal public function of the National Operational Program – Youth Employment Initiative (PON-IOG) “Youth Guarantee“, Namely Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily. (Here the link to our YouTube channel with the video guides) (Here the page reserved for contests)

These are places dedicated to young neet (not in education, employment or training, that is, young people who do not study, do not work and do not follow any training itinerary) or unemployed young people. (If you have any questions about this or other bonuses, enter the facebook group of

Some projects have one reserved seat quota for young people with fewer opportunities, for example young people with low income or low education or a disability. Other projects of the national civil service 2021 provide for the completion of a training course or, for projects carried out in Italy, a period of one to three months for their stay in another European country.