“The King’s polls on Repubblica and Corriere are timely to say that Conte is still strong” – Libero Quotidiano


“Punctual with the crisis in Republic me Messenger Service the King’s polls come out to say: after all, Giuseppe Conte is still strong and so is his majority.“. So Augusto Minzolini He commented in a tweet about the different polls published in today’s edition of the two newspapers closest to Palazzo Chigi, where the position of the prime minister appears more and more in the balance. This time, however, not even surveys constructed ad hoc can change the perception of a government heading towards a crisis that seems increasingly inevitable.

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Minzolini also pointed out that participate in this game too “the usual presidents of the Democratic Party who threaten the polls that they will not be there to enlist some frightened Renziano blackbirds“.” What a boredom and what kind of press, “commented the newspaper’s editorialist, referring in particular to the Demos survey that Ilvo Diamanti commented in Republic. According to this revelation, Conte holds the record in the Covid year while Matteo salvini He is the least loved: 33% of those surveyed believe that the prime minister was the best in 2020, followed by Salvini with 8%, Mattarella and Meloni with 7%. Regarding the classification of the worst, the leader of the league is given to 35% while Conte to 12%.
