Anti-Covid vaccine, administration begins at the “front” of hospitals and RSA


Liguria. Phase 1 of the vaccination campaign against Covid in Liguria began this morning with the administration of Gaslini’s nursing coordinator, a phase that will continue in the coming days with operations that will involve health personnel from health facilities and rsa of the region.

There are 14 structures that have been enabled to carry out this first wave of vaccinations, which provides for the distribution of about 18 thousand doses, which will all be administered “each one” for those who have joined the list: for the second dose , planned by protocol to stabilize protection, you have to wait at least 21 days, so the next supplies are expected

Administration that will resume on Saturday, January 2, and must be completed in the first days of the new year. RSA guests (who made themselves available) will also get involved to secure the entire healthcare sector that has been most exposed in recent months.

And in fact, the first vaccinated in the facilities come precisely from those pavilions that have experienced the first and second waves: for ASL2, in San Paolo di Savona, Elisabetta Pontiggia, nursing coordinator of the Infectious Diseases department.

In Gaslini, the nursing coordinator of the Hospital Infections Committee and member of the Crisis Unit of the Orietta Vianello pediatric hospital were vaccinated by Galliera Marco Lattuada, 46, director of the department of Anesthesia and resuscitation, and by Villa Scassi Enrico Biondi , 58 years old, nurse, since 1983 on the staff of the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Intensive Care Service. For ASL1, at the Borea Hospital in San Remo, the first vaccinated was Monica Allegri, 45, an emergency nurse, for ASL4, at the Sestri Levante hospital Miriam Massa, 45, nursing coordinator of the ‘Care Unit intensive care and resuscitation and for the ASL5, at the Sant’Andrea Franco Piu, coordinator of the health professions of the ASL.

Finally, again with reference to ASL2, after the vaccination of Elisabetta Pontiggia, which took place during the connection with the transparency room of the Liguria Region, the administration continued with Rodolfo Tassara, Monica Cirone, Luca Corti, Teresiano de Franceschi and Virna Frumento. , among the first to take advantage of the vaccination point in Savona.

Today, the administration will continue until 4 pm to continue with an average of 300 daily vaccinations at the San Paolo; Later, additional vaccination points will be activated in the other Asl2 hospitals.
