During the last twelve months, events on the front lines of the pandemic have monopolized the attention of observers at all latitudes. However, the year in which the curtain is about to fall has offered several ideas from the political point of view: among them, the exuberance of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, that could lead to further deterioration of relations with European neighbors.
Until now, Donald Trump’s good offices have been stop escalating tensions between Ankara and NATO allies, but the changing of the guard at the White House between tycoon and Democrat Joe Biden could isolate the Turkish leader internationally: the situation.
US-Turkey relations: Joe Biden ready to stop Erdogan
There is a lot of work to be done on the Turkish file. After all, In recent months there has been no shortage of diplomatic clashes between Turkey and NATO allies., who, among other things, have often criticized Erdogan for the continuing violation of human rights in the country.
But it’s mostly worrying the geopolitical impact of the regime’s maneuvers, which during the year created a rift between Turkey and its European and American partners: above all, the purchase of Russian missiles S-400, with Washington threatening sanctions against an allied country for the first time, but also the dispute with the Kurds in the region north of Syria.
They certainly didn’t go unnoticed, then, Erdogan’s threats to Cyprus and Greece last summer, in an attempt to seize Mediterranean gas, and not even the intervention in support of Iraq that allowed Baghdad to circumvent the sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.
But it was the last thing, as mentioned, to prevent tensions from exceeding the threshold in recent months. A personal friendship, that of Erdogan and Trump, that is not destined to last long: after the traditional oath of the Capitol, in fact it will be the Democrat Joe Biden who will take the reins of the Oval Office. An alarm bell, for Turkey.
After all, the words spoken by Joe Biden so far towards the Turkish leader have not been mellow. The president of pectore contested the hostile maneuvers against the Kurdshistoric allies of the United States in the Middle East, and has indicated its intention to support the opposition by democratically overthrow the Erdogan regime.
On the other hand, despite Biden’s stance, some observers argue that Turkey could be a fundamental pawn to stop China and Russia, suggesting a still accommodative US policy toward Ankara. Where the US geopolitical equations will lead, for now, is unknown, but one thing is for sure: Erdogan will no longer have a friend in the White House.