The government portal with real-time data on Covid vaccines is online. From the portal we learned that on December 30 they were delivered 359,775 vaccine doses and others December 31 110,175 dose: administrations of 470,950 doses throughout the national territory officially began on the last day of the year. In some regions, the new vaccinations started yesterday afternoon. On December 27, the first 9,750 doses of vaccine, fully administered.
In total, to date, the vaccines administered in Italy are 15,728. They are mostly women, with 8,641 who were vaccinated, while 7.087 they are men. Those vaccinated among health workers, who according to criteria chosen together with staff and guests of nursing homes should have top priority, have so far been 14,221. While the other categories, generically called “non-health workers”, have been 835 vaccinations To guests of residential facilities for the elderly 672.
Only on the last day of the year were they vaccinated 12,953 health workers, 764 representatives of non-health personnel and 617 guests of residential facilities. On a personal level, most of the first vaccinated are citizens between 50-59 years (4,573). The age group of 40 to 49 years (3250) follows, 60-69 years (2,501), 30-39 years (2,456), 20-29 years (1,363), 80-89 years (237), 70-79 years (214), more than 90 (147) and 16-19 years (53).
And at the regional level? Lombardy is the Italian region with the highest number of doses of anti-Covid vaccine delivered as of December 31, equal to 80,595 (1.9% of the total). The doses administered to date in this region are 1545. They follow the Sicily with 46,510 (1.7%) administered doses of which 778 administered and the Lazio with 45,805 (5.8%) administered doses of which 2676 administered.
The autonomous province of Bolzano, the Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Lazio on the other hand, they are the most virtuous in the number of administrations already carried out compared to the doses of vaccine that reached their respective territories. On top of the table there are Bolzano, with 971 administrations out of 5,995 doses received (16.2%), then the Friuli Venezia Giulia (894 out of 11,965, equal to 7.5%) and the Lazio (2,897 45,805, with 6.3%). Queued between the regions is Sardinia (180 his 12,855, 1.4%), where the new stock of vaccines arrived today.
This is the ranking of the regions based on the percentages that emerged on the number of doses already carried out compared to the doses of vaccine achieved in the respective territories. Bolzano, with 971 administrations of the 5,995 doses received (16.2%); Friuli Venezia Giulia (894 its 11,965, 7.5%); Lazio (2,897, 45,805, 6.3%); Liguria (829, 15,920, 5.2%); Piedmont (1,583, 40,885, 3.9%); Veneto (1,461, 38,900, 3.8%); Tuscany (874, 27.920, 3.1%); Calabria (279; 9,055, 3.1%); Puglia (555, 21,955, 2.5%); Market (217, 8.975, 2.4%); Lombardy (1,841, 80,595, 2.3%); Emilia romagna (975, 43.875, 2.2%); Campania (720, 32.895, 2.2%); Basilicata (105, 4.980, 2.1%); PA Trento (100, 4.975, 2.0%); Aosta Valley (20.995, 2.0%); Umbria (85, 4.960, 1.7%); Abruzzo (135, 7.935, 1.7%); Molise (50, 2.975, 1.7%); Sicily (778, 46,510, 1.7%); Sardinia (180, 12.855, 1.4%).