The vaccination of RSA staff in Trentino started this morning. After the doses had reached the Santa Chiara yesterday – aboard vans that distributed the cargo that arrived by air to various points in Italy – they remained overnight in the cold rooms for storage at -80 °. This morning the start of vaccinations in nursing homes.
Francesca Parolari, president of Upipa, and Italo Monfredinim, director of Spes, spoke of a “historic day”. The vaccine was distributed to guests and staff at Villa Belfonte, Casa Famiglia di Cadine, Rsa in via Veneto in Trento, Apsp di Avio, Apsp del Bleggio, Borgo Chiese, Cavedine, Ledro, Nomi, Pergine, Pinzolo, Povo, Riva , Spiazzo and Vigo di Fassa.
In the next few days it will be the turn of the other 14 structures of Upipa where – explained Parolari- the subscriptions collected in two days reach almost 4,000. For Spes, adherence among patients is approaching 100% while for staff it is establishing itself at 60%.