The political situation in Italy as of December 31st is still quite turbulent. The government does not know what direction to take and Italians are increasingly confused, between the hypothesis of the reorganization, the fall of the executive and the return to the polls. According to the survey Nando Pagnoncelli, to date the voting intentions see the League in the first place with the 23.5% of the votes in the Chamber and 23.8 in the Senate. Behind is the Democratic Party, with around 20%; the 5 Star Movement, with 16%; Fratelli d’Italia that turns around 16% and Forza Italia with around 9%. At the end of the ranking Carlo Calenda and Italy Viva di Matteo renzi, both stopped at 3%. If he went to vote, the scenarios, according to Pagnoncelli in Corriere della Sera – there would be two: the first foresees the tripartition of Parliament between the center right, the center left and M5; the second, on the other hand, considers the opposition between the center right and a coalition between the four forces that support the Conte 2 government. In both cases, the majority of the seats would go to the center right. In the second scenario, however, the Pd-M5s shaft would be able to stop the domination center-right eea reduce waste. Pagnocelli, however, reiterates that there are still many unknowns, starting with the evolution of the health emergency and the economic situation.