The December 30 newsletter
New cases of coronavirus in Lombardy continue to rise along with the number of swabs performed. I am 1,673 infections in the last 24 hours (yesterday +843) compared to 23,787 new tests performed (yesterday 11,607). There is also a sharp increase in the number of deaths: +80 against him +49 from yesterday. For a total of victims since the beginning of the pandemic that has reached height 25,038. Good news on the front healed and discharged: 397,010 (Yesterday 393,995) and the pressure on health facilities continues to decline. For intensive care there are: 17 unit e twenty-one daily admissions (yesterday Four. Five), with a total number of hospitalized patients in the critical area equal to 481. Today, December 30, the number of hospitalizations in the medical area also decreases: 3,617 (Yesterday 3,643).
The province
Here are the Coronavirus cases divided by province:
- Milan (+450) of which +115 to Milan city
- Brescia (+226)
- As (+99)
- Monza and Brianza (+121)
- Bergamo (+70)
- Mantua (+170)
- Pavia (+146)
- Varese (+136)
- Lecco (+60)
- Cremona (+82)
- I gave it (+62)
- Sondrio (+51)
Cover photo: ANSA
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