Modern Covid Vaccine: “It has an efficacy of between 94 and 100 percent”


ROME – “The mRNA-1273 vaccine of Modern showed 94.1% effectiveness in preventing Covid-19 disease, “even 100% in severe cases.” Other than transient local and systemic reactions, no safety issues have been identified. ” The New England Journal of Medicine, after the study in which 30,420 volunteers participated.

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The study, conducted in collaboration with Niaid, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (Nih) from the United States, therefore, enrolled 30,420 participants age 18 and over, at 99 locations in the United States. Volunteers received their first injection between July 27 and October 23, 2020, followed by a second injection 28 days later. Each injection, administered intramuscularly, had a volume of 0.5 ml “and contained either the vaccine or the placebo.

In the placebo group, 185 participants developed symptomatic Covid-19; in the vaccine group, only 11 participants. Additionally, 30 had severe form, but all were in the placebo group. The efficacy of the vaccine was also similar among those older than 65 years and regardless of ethnicity.

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Researchers will continue to collect post-administration “adverse event” data for two years. Overall, reactions to the vaccine were mild: about half of those vaccinated experienced fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, and headache, especially after the second dose. In most cases, these effects started approximately 15 hours after administration and resolved after two days. A similar number of adverse events were reported among both vaccinated and placebo recipients.

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“While these results are encouraging, they are limited by the short duration of follow-up so far. The long-term data from the ongoing study may allow us to better assess the efficacy of the vaccine in different groups, determine the impact ‘asymptomatic infection, understand how long immunity lasts and whether or not vaccines affect whether or not you are infected with the virus, ‘said Baden, an infectious disease specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, which served as a test site as a part of the Covid-prevention network. 19.
