
“Conte I did not understand that I have nothing to lose, I am not like Salvini that Viminale was played. “Talking is Matteo renzi by phone with their parents, according to the The impression. In fact, the clash between the prime minister and the former prime minister continues, one wall against another that seems to have no end. No agreement and a government in danger of collapse. The prime minister is convinced that the leader of Italia Viva is just bragging and that it will not discourage him in the House; while the senator from Scandicci says ready to not let go. “From the speech he gave, Conte seems to me like someone who wants to break up. But if you want to challenge me in Parliament risk more than me – Renzi said after listening to the last press conference of the prime minister -. For us this result would be the best: if we lose in the courtroom, it is his turn to govern with a weak majority, an agony. And we from the opposition recovered votes. If we win loses and goes home”.

The leader of Italia Viva also continues to repeat that in case of crisis you will not vote, because nobody really wants to go to the polls, not even the Democratic Party: “At that time, either a government is led by one of the Democratic Party, or Mario draghi“As he explains The impressionThere are three scenarios: first, Conte opens a discussion with Italia Viva and an agreement is reached within the Befana; second, Conte falls and another government is made; third, we go to the vote: with Pd and M5s along with a Conte and Iv list out. However, in the first hypothesis, both the Dems and the Renzians believe little.