
Back to school, presumably on January 7th. The schools, on the recommendation of the Ministry that requested and received the corresponding Ordinance from the Ministry of Health, are planning how to organize the lessons. Meanwhile, the Prefectures are working to coordinate the return and tomorrow trips.
Great effort to guarantee face-to-face teaching
It goes without saying that all the protagonists of this complicated affair are making considerable efforts to ensure the highest possible security, at all levels. Much will also depend on the number of infections close to the opening, a reflection of the behavior of recent days.
These are the words of Premier Conte “I hope that on January 7, the high schools can restart with a mixed teaching integrated at least 50% in presence, as a show of responsibility, without putting the school communities at risk. If, as they tell me, the prefectural tables have worked effectively, we can start over with at least 50% ”.
The 50% (instead of the initial 75%) is now a fixed point. If all goes well, it will hit 75% starting the week after January 15.
The school organization
The main point on which the Academic Boards are called to comment is: are 50% of the students in each class re-entering or, in rotation, 50% of the total population of the institute? The difference, from the didactic point of view, is substantial. It is one thing to have a lesson with all the students present, it is another to organize the work by looking alternately at the students in the classroom and those on the screen and create a “normal” lesson, in which the right to learn is equal. and the same for everyone.
The instruments
And let’s not forget that integrated digital teaching has its strength in the use of appropriate tools. Schools have tablets available to all teachers. Is the connection maintained or will the teacher ultimately use “his own means” to ensure service?
It is a delicate point of the Italian school, in which the current Ministry has invested a lot. But it must also be said that the Ministry relies on the Teaching Charter, available to full professors. The Ministry writes in the note of October 26, 2020 “Subject to the need to guarantee adequate equipment for students, and taking into account that permanent staff can use the magisterial letter, it is convenient that school institutions activate controls over the real needs temporary teaching staff, which can be met through the free loan tool, to be prepared for any eventuality “
In any case, the Administration constantly commits itself in order to continue increasing the offer of technological and connectivity instruments, in favor of staff and students, through a specific provision contained in Decree-Law 104/2020, which provides increased funding. of 10 million euros, both from PON resources, and from educational institutions that still recognize the need, also through new PON calls in the process of issuance ”.
So theoretically there should be no instrumentation problems. We will talk about it in a few days.